Please review this mod or write in the discussion-area. Only with reviews it could get better
The Wabbels have a fully customizable ship, which looks like an normal ship. You can change it in size.
The wabbels need a new video that shows all new stuff and the new customizable ship.
Warning: there COULD be conflicts with other mods, which adds new blocks. I use "materialId" 300-330. Please let me know if you found some conflicts. Until now: No conflicts are known!!!!!!
If you fall down of the ship, beam to the planat and back, or you fall an infinite long time.
Just searching for persons who wants to write wabble-story-parts for adding at codex to the game. Its needed for the meeting with:
Glitch, (first contact done by Teihoo)
The Wabbels are a new born race. Noone told them that it isn't fine to take everything with them.
The Wabbels formed their hair like the Cephalopods.
The Wabbels stole an armor from the Avali and formed a tail like the avali-tail.
Humans are angry because the wabbels stole somethink.
Apex have to do something with the creation of the wabbel.
It would be nice if some stories new stories/codexes comes to the game. Just write down in th Discussion, if you have a part. Or just klick here: Discussion
Maybe the Avali decided that the Wabbels are a good prey or somethinkg else....
The Wabbels come to the Universe.
First of all: sorry for my bad english....
The Story:
The first 7 Wabbel were born in a sewer tank filled with toxic waste and first met very friendly the Glitch. Before this, they had no real form, but when they saw the Glitch they formed a homanoid body.
Because the Wabbels were nude, the Glitch gave them Clothes and they add the style to their culture. The Wabbels were so nosily for everything, so they put all with them what they found. But the Glitch weren`t angry about them because the Wabbels were so funny and don't mean it bad. After a few weeks they learned the speach but they always only say the important words. The other words like adjectives the often say only blabla to replace it.
In week 6 the 7 wabbels found a spaceship und "borrowed" it to fly to another planet.
Some Month later they found a human village with wappens and armor. This was the first time they see armor, so they want it and stole it without knowing what to steal means. But they add the armor style to their "culture".
Within the next few months they meet some other races and added some things to themself or their culture. For example when they met the Cephalopods some of them were faszinated by Cephalopods hair and formed theyr own head to look like them.
The wabbels flew away again and found a interesting planet where they want to build their own culture like the Glitch and Humans. Today the wabbels don't know how they can reproduce a new wabbel so they have find them. They send a few of themself to find other wabbels or interesting things which they can take, to grow theirs culture.
You are one of the them.
In some human villages the humans don't say steal anymore they say: "Someone wabbeled it".
Some pictures:
New icons for male and female, v1.2.1:
and a unique ship ... okay rebuild from a Glitch-ship (old)
this is the new ship for a new char. A wabbel is on the top, that means you could build everywhere you want. The bottom boosters are "broken" (Story), you have to build 3 new flames at the Ship-Crafting-station.
Some animated up to date picturesby xtomass . More tails are craftable if you do some quests.
some hair
some ears
5 tails (now at the TC-Station)
own ship
own flag
an interesting walk
human-pants tier 1-4 adapted to the wabbel-walk
first questline
a fully customizable ship (and shipparts at the SC-Station)
more hairs / change hair
more codex
rework the new ship-material so you can recolor it,
The wabbels don't have own armore so it isn't necessary to create one... only pants (tier 5-10)
In the Future:
The Wabbels steal only one tier armor per race and MrMock ask befor he steals itmaybe he waits until the answer is there
just a joke ^^ i will wait
Install it like every other race mod.
Use a character creation mod like Ganondude's Character Creation Mod, Kawa's Character Creation Mod or Xander's Simple Character Creation Mod
I wabbled some hairs, one ear and skin colors from the Mutanoids
And some hairs frome the Cephalopods
And a vent from the Steampunk Mod
One armor and tail from the Avali
Wings from Extra Wings
The tail from Mantis Race
Thx to all authors, which let me "wabbel" their stuff.
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Outdated Wabbels with normal looking full customizable ship 2.4 (Enraged Koala)
Wabbels do "stuff", but they don't mean it bad.
Recent Updates
- Enraged Koala Mar 3, 2014
- Blender Update Feb 12, 2014
- Solid-ship Feb 9, 2014