This mod contains flashing lights and other content that may cause discomfort in people with photosensitive epilepsy.
This mod will also permanently alter your players and universe. It is recommended that you backup your storage folder.
Voided requires TerraLib to function properly. You can find it on the Steam Workshop here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2230165463 or on Chucklefish Forums here: https://community.playstarbound.com/resources/terralib.6055/. Alternatively, you may search for "terralib" on either of the aforementioned sites.
Voided: Expansion Mod (or simply Voided) is the Extended Story Mod rethought from the ground up. All of Extended Story's post-game content (particularly the elemental biomes, the Bossvault, and the Supervoid) will be reworked with emphasis placed on the exploration of planetary biomes and challenging combat encounters. In addition, the main antagonist of Voided will (eventually) have a clearer presence than in Extended Story. It is currently a work in progress and only features the Ancient Stronghold as well as the Voltage and Toxic Wasteland biomes.
This mod is designed to be primarily a single player experience, but I will note and attempt to fix multiplayer-related bugs.
- 2 planets - Voltage and Toxic Wasteland - each having a central hazard that you must master to explore
- 8 biomes and 12 minibiomes, all discoverable at varying depths.
- 19 hand-crafted weapons, each with its own gimmick.
- 4 armor sets
- 28 monsters with unique behaviors
- 4 dungeons, each with its own boss / miniboss
- 4 new tech
- More to come at a later date!
Note: Every biome and mission added by Voided gives vanilla healing items cooldowns (15 seconds for medkits; 30 seconds for nanowraps and bandages). This choice was made to make Voided's combat encounters more challenging but fair.
Installing this mod is straightforward for the most part. Simply follow the download link, download the .pak file or the source code and place it in your "mods" folder.
Getting Started
Since this mod is intended to be post-game, it is recommended that you use an existing tier 6 character. To access the Ancient Stronghold, you must find and unlock its entrance at the edge of an Outsider Star system. Note: You do not need to beat the main story in order to access it.
I recommend turning on Tutorial Messages in the Options menu because Voided adds some tutorial radio messages for the Voltage and Toxic Wasteland biomes.
Voided includes support for More Planet Info, Book of Spirits, the Recipe Browser mod, and the Spawnable Item Packs mod.
It is compatible with Frackin' Universe and Extended Story.
Supper's Combat Overhaul causes issues with some of the enemies in Voided, especially bosses.
This mod uses the prefix "v-" in all of its IDs.
Music & Sounds
All custom sounds in Voided were made in Audacity using Starbound's assets and/or the following sound samples:
- "Lightning Strike" by Turrus on Freesound.org (URL: https://freesound.org/people/Turrus/sounds/242048/).
- "LightningCrash.wav" by NoiseNoir on Freesound.org (URL: https://freesound.org/people/NoiseNoir/sounds/238302/). License: Attribution 4.0
- "Lightning Storm.wav" by Ambientsoundapp on Freesound.org (URL: https://freesound.org/people/Ambientsoundapp/sounds/537985/).
- "black-bees swarm.wav" by bruno.auzet on Freesound.org (URL: https://freesound.org/people/bruno.auzet/sounds/578267/).
- "Balloon_Inflate_6.wav" by Terhen on Freesound.org (URL: https://freesound.org/people/Terhen/sounds/234186/).
- "Balloon Pop.wav" by Laumark on Freesound.org (URL: https://freesound.org/people/Laumark/sounds/415125/). License: Attribution 3.0
- "Glass Smash.wav" by chewiesmissus on Freesound.org (URL: https://freesound.org/people/chewiesmissus/sounds/244238/).
- "Glass.ogg" by egomassive on Freesound.org (URL: https://freesound.org/people/egomassive/sounds/536763/).
- SKR-03-324.wav by Bill Kurth / University of Iowa / NASA. URL: https://space.physics.uiowa.edu/space-audio/cassini/SKR1/. License: Attribution 3.0
Electrochem Facility Boss Music: Desert Battle 2 by Curtis Schweitzer. Edited to loop properly
Titan of Darkness:
"Symmetry" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
Edited into two loop sections "stealth" and "combat"
Disclaimer: the authors of these sound samples and music do not endorse Voided.
All graphical assets, code, etc. were made by me, based on vanilla assets, or provided by others. Please see the following text for more information.
I would like to thank Portal Mech and mister gadfly for playtesting and providing feedback for the mod.
I would also like to thank the members on the Starbound Discord for their feedback, advice, and ideas.
Thanks to patman and/or Silver Sokolova for providing a way to display custom messages at the bottom of the screen.
This mod uses the bookofspirits_monster_support.lua script from the Book of Spirits mod to provide support for it.
Screenshots were taken using the Steam version of Starbound and mods installed on the Steam Workshop and on GitHub. Additional mods used in screenshots: Frackin' Interface, Stardust Core Lite, Improved Damage Particles, Stack Enlarger SE, Better (C) Pick Ups, Better Action Bar & Icons, Refined Cursors, StarExtensions
Feedback and Contributions
Feedback describing how your experience was overall will be greatly appreciated. All feedback is to be posted in the discussion section of this mod or as a review on the mod page.
If you want to contribute to this mod, you may join the Discord server (linked below). Help is greatly appreciated.
Please report all bugs you encounter in the discussion section of this mod. I especially encourage you to report any multiplayer-related bugs.
Steam Version
GitHub Repository
Click on one of the screenshots below to view all of them in full.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Voided: Expansion Mod (WIP) 0.5.1
Extended Story, rethought from the ground up
Recent Updates
- Release 0.5.1: Hotfix Jan 26, 2025
- Release 0.5.0: Awakening Jan 22, 2025
- Release 0.4.4: Hotfix 3 Jan 3, 2025