Im in love with this race mod. I'm still so excited to play thing though. I've noticed the armor damage percentages are ridiculous on the armor. (such as -60% on black hornet pants, -25% on scavengers breastplate, and so on). I was wondering if this is a bug, or if it is just intentional. Its causing me to do no damage xD
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Vespoids! 1.04
Adds a race of nature loving bees/wasps to the game.
- 4/5,
Author's Response
Yes they are. ^!^ ...unless you're allergic.
- 1/5,
While it's a cute idea, the color options are sort of lacking. They tend to clash, and the dark black primary is so similar in color to they eye you lose the eye.
Also having "tard___" and "____ von tits" in the namegen is super gross.-
Author's Response
Ah hell, I've been meaning to remove those! Thanks for the input.
- 5/5,
Excellent. Now I can live out my wildest bee-related fantasies in SPACCCCCCE.
Author's Response
Glad I xD
- 5/5,
I absolutely adore this race. I even went so far as to draw my character. I call her Fuzzy.
The names are amusing, the animation on the wings is great, and wasp-ish people are very cute (the anthro sort of waspish not the middle class white family ;P).
Author's Response
Hehe, glad you enjoy it. ^!^ If I may be so bold...can I see said drawing? ^!^
- 4/5,
I like this race, but for some reason the NPC that gives you the first boss quest doesn't recognize the steel tier armor as steel tier. I had to spawn an apex racial steel armor in order to proceed further on the history. :(
Author's Response
I noticed that thismorning, but had to go to work. However give me a bit, I'll have it working again.
- 4/5,
I love this and cant wait until it's all finished up with bee related things. An actual "hive" ship would be bomb. Starbound is in desperate need of more bug races! Next I hope to see spiders. Great job!
Author's Response
That would be fun to do, minus the animating of all them legs. @!@
- 5/5,
I cant wait for the weapons! I can imagine one of them being like the floran needlers, except with a yellow/black color scheme and the ammo resembling a bee stinger!
- 5/5,
This is my favorite race by far because i have an obsession with bees.... it may be unhealthy
Author's Response
Tizz not a bad thing. ^!^
Author's Response
Armor yes, weapons, not yet.
- 5/5,
I really like this race, Starbound was missing an insectoid-type people like this and you've created a great race to fill that void. I look forward to seeing this mod fleshed out even further!
- 5/5,
Maybe update description? Make it a little more "appealing" ;P (Sorry if I spelled that wrong, and "spelled" too, not from the US nor UK :D)
Author's Response
Sadly, I'm not one that is able to pazzaz a page. xD
- 4/5,
This mod is pretty great! the art for the race is adorable, there are however minor glitches with the sprites. I noticed while the vespoid is swimming there seems to be a floating row of white pixels above the head, and I guess this may be from the wings. I look forward to seeing updates for this race in the future! Keep up the good work. ❤
Author's Response
Thanks for the feedback, I'll see what I can do about the image clipping. :3
- 5/5,
Yessss.... Space Bees! Amusingly, me and a friend have been discussing and making a alien race, and came up with something very similar to this..then you make up this mod. Wonderful timing and coincidence, lets us actually have characters of these in a game. The race looks great, and I can't wait to see what you have in the works for it!
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