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Outdated Variety is the spice of the Universe for Enraged Koala

Over 50+ new biomes, 10+ new weather types, new music & more

  1. Release | Hotfix #3 | Starscape Patch Hotfix #2

    If you have previously installed this mod...
    VitsoU: Deletion of any previous installations required before updating
    Vitsou + Starscape Patch: Patch update required, delete any previous installations of Starscape
    Vitsou + Liquids Extractor Patch: OK

    • Flatisector no longer has access violation errors
    F for Flatisector.
    Annd I didn't test the Flatisector again. I always forget about it. Everybody else forgets about it too. Nobody even reported that major bug. :badpokerface:
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