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Outdated Variety is the spice of the Universe for Enraged Koala

Over 50+ new biomes, 10+ new weather types, new music & more

  1. Beta

    If you have installed the recent Version 2.2 of this mod...
    Then there will be another "visual regeneration" for satellites. You know, moons of planets. Those.
    Sorry 'bout that. But this shouldn't happen again.

    If you have previously installed this mod before Version 2.2...
    Then there will be a "visual regeneration" of the universe when you update the mod.
    Your planets will stay the same on the surface, stuff you've built will stay intact, etc... But they will appear as a different biome from space. So when you're in the GUI selecting a planet to fly to, your forest planet might appear as a desert planet. But even so, it'll still be a forest when you beam down to it.

    If you have previously installed this mod with Starscape...
    The above still applies. The patch is ready now, though, so go get it!
    • Fixed an uncommon crash in Flatisector where it attempts to load Floating Islands when it shouldn't
    • Fixed funky rarity of Floating Islands
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