This Ultimate Ship Builder ( USB ) allows you to create the largest personal ship currently allowed. Some of the features of USB include:
- 99.9% Customizable *
- 3 x Storage Lockers
- 10,000 Fuel Capacity
- Upgraded Beamaxe, making this tool more useful than before.
- 4 Block Damage Radius to allow you to make passages you can actually walk through.
- Increased power and speed, keep in mind this is not too overpowered but does help make this item more useful.
- Main Storage Locker contains:
- Pistol
- Shield
- 300 coal to get you moving.
- 100 torches start you digging right away.
All edges of the screen are properly blocked off so if you choose you can start building from the outside, in. This should allow you to more easily build awesome ships without the constraint of having to be restricted building off the initial ship at the start. **
Suggestions welcome for modifications, I cannot wait to see what cool ships you guys come up with. Post screen shots in the forums when you create your ultimate ships.
Thanks for checking out this mod, check back for updates!
- Screen Shot ( Build Scale Ratio ) ( Download to view, Scale is too massive to view in a browser. )
- On this forum is the download does not pop-up keep refreshing until it does, this is an existing issue with the forum that will likely be fixed at some point.
- External Download link
* Teleport Pad is not destructible. Currently your spawn point is initialized when the ship is first generated and cannot be changed. Because of this I locked down the Teleport Pad and started your ship in the middle of the map.
** Because you are allowed to build from the sides of the map, a buffer was created to prevent you from being able to place objects outside of the build area. The area blocked off is equal to the maximum default beamaxe distance. If this border was removed and you happened to completely destroy your ship you would not be able to build off of anything. So this will remain in place for now.
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Outdated USB - Ultimate Ship Builder 1.1
Ultimate Ship Builder, providing the maximum building area currently possible.
Recent Updates
- USB - Angry Koala Dec 23, 2013