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Uros IV (RAM's version) V 4.0

A ship that's a small, domed world.

  1. New Design!

    Another new design for the ship.

    I didn't like how long it took to get around the ship, so I centered the first tier. I added sandstone for the desert. Lastly, I changed a few things with the dropship that were bothering me. I made a lot of other little tweaks as I reworked the mod.

    If you are using the old version it should be safe for a character to switch over if she hasn't done her first main upgrade to t-4 yet. I recommend only using this new ship design with a new character just to...
    Biirdy Daysleeper and Necryel like this.
  2. New design!

    I really like the exploration aspect of this new design and I would like to work on that some more eventually. The more it makes me want to set up extra teleporters the more I know I'm on the right track. I would have really liked to have added water this time for a small ocean at T-8, but that doesn't look like it's going to be possible with ship mods for the foreseeable future.
    DarknessLilly likes this.
  3. All teirs! All ships!

    I added a smaller domed dropship for the first three tiers. Now, you can begin your adventure on a very small island in space.
  4. A major problem solved!

    This update improves how your ship handles materiel when updating. Now, all of your tunnels and lakes will stay put when updating your ship. The background will still pop back when updating, I haven't found a way of preventing that. The foreground though will no longer pop back each tier. This update should only effect your ship when you update your ship to a new tier.

    WARNING: It is highly recommended that you do not skip tiers with this update. It will lead to the foreground of the...
    DarknessLilly likes this.
  5. Making it look better.

    Changed a few things that were suggested. It looks better, so I'm keeping the changes. I think this is the finished product here though. It looks good and feels fine.

    However, if you have any good suggestions or criticisms feel free to give me a shout and we'll see.
    DarknessLilly likes this.
  6. New design!

    New design. Much bigger. Slightly less silly. And, some of the problems with the initial design have now been fixed.
    DarknessLilly likes this.
  7. Added all vanilla races.

    Added ships for all of the vanilla races.
    DarknessLilly likes this.