this is an amazing mod and I wonder how people do this
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Uros IV (RAM's version) v4.1
A ship that's a small, domed world.
- 3/5,
it good but the avali version doent work
please fix it and post it on steam -
- 5/5,
Very creative concept for a ship! Highly recommended to try it at least once.
- 5/5,
This mod works really well and I like the idea of not having to bulldoze an entire planet in order to make it flat and there aren't any creatures to worry about. My only question is how can I make this ship work for another custom race that I play: the Avikan?
- 5/5,
The Large the Better i like your idea for making this mod Uros IV or just i say Dome World that i can whatever i want village , city or Colony but there is no daylight and i know im in the spaceship but it would be awesome and also keep Wonderful job.
- 5/5,
I always wanted to have my own Ark that would lgiht-jump from planet to planet, with all the different races on it, with all the controls in pyramid/tomb setting. With this I can do that.
Kinda missing daylight to be honest, but well, it's in space after all, I guess. Still, best ship mod possible -
- 5/5,
Can't wait to build a stately pleasure dome like Kubla Khan on my Tier 8 Ship! Thanks for the update!
- 5/5,
finally got around to trying this...
The only issue I've found is not knowing if breaking the dirt under teleporter/captains chair breaks them, or if they are anchored to wall instead of floor. Kinda don't want to try just in case... ;)-
Author's Response
I tried it out. It's safe. They're unbreakable, so they float it seems. We might be better off making everything breakable in future updates.
- 5/5,
Amazingly constructed. and please, PLEASE add an environmental station alpha reference into the glitch version of this ship mod. I NEED IT, PLEASE!!! ;)
Author's Response
Never played it, but it looks awesome. I'll put it on my steam list and give a playthough when I have a chance.
hOI im tEMmIE!!
- 4/5,
Great mod! have you thought about making it work with modded races? (avali, nebulite, etc)
Author's Response
I'm not against the idea, but I'm not going to do it myself. Those mod authors probably have their own vision. If someone else implements this type of conversion and uploads it, just make sure to cite the original author of the original Uros IV ship project, Alsehr. He's done some amazing work on here.
Author's Response
Now that I started working on it again, I began thinking about just that. It would be neat to update it so that you get a different biome for each upgrade. The magma theme already looks pretty rad in the last upgrade. I'll mull it over some more and maybe I'll get inspired again one of these days and run with that idea.
- 5/5,
This is a great mod and I love how it optimizes and changes the entire feel of the "ship" in game,a very nice edition to the game,If I do say so myself,and I do.
Biirdy Daysleeper
- 5/5,
Critical. I loved the old version under "Enraged Koala" but unfortunately the background were some problems that prevented me from properly decorate my underground. As for the size, which is now the T4 was a bit too small (I need a lot of space for my work). I'm really pleased with this new version because now the background seems to work perfectly, the T8 is really the right size (enough for: underground labs, maintenance room, hotel for personal, and finally, sufficient biosphere to live in and to study new species in a suitable environment. in addition, several biomes are ready so I save a lot of time that I could go to terraform correctly.
Anyway, I highly recommend this ship to all xenobiologists and large spaces lovers.
Ha and thank you very much for updating this awesome ship !
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