Feel free to add me on steam, my ID is Ev1lInc.
Leave a comment telling me what you'd like to see in the mod, and I'll do my best to get it in!
Currently in mod:
Crafting Stations:
- Resource Table T1 (Crafted at Wooden Crafting Table)
- Resource Table T2 (Crafted at Resource Table T1)
- Resource Table T3 (Crafted at Resource Table T2)
- Resource Table T4 (Crafted at Resource Table T3)
- Resource Table T5 (Crafted at Resource Table T4)
- Resource Table T6 (Crafted at Resource Table T5)
- Resource Table T7 (Crafted at Resource Table T6)
- Evil Furnace (Crafted at Metalwork Station)
- Godly Furnace (Crafted at Metalwork Station)
- Etherenite Furnace (Crafted at Resource Table T6)
- Tech Furnace (Crafted at Resource Table T7)
- EDIT: New tiers of furnaces can craft more bars. Same with the higher tier crafting tables.
Blocks: (WIP)
- Water Block
- Erchius Block
- Poison Block
- Core Block
- Lava Block
Materials: (Can craft the bars from any furnace!)
- Coal Bar
- Water Bar
- Erchius Bar
- Slime Bar
- Bone Bar
- Poison Bar
- Core Bar
- Lava Bar
- Plasma Bar
- Space Bar
- Blackbar
- Yascalt Bar
- Yascalt Ore (A little better than Iron, common everywhere.)
- Quartz Bar
- Quartz Ore (Better than lava or core items, only found at the core layer and layer 3.)
- Ice Bar
- Evil Gem (Commonly found deep in moons.)
- Godly Gem (Rarely found deep in moons.)
- Etherenite Bar
- Etherenite Ore
- Tech Bar
- Fossil Ore (Drops 1 bone)
Tools: (All tools can be crafted from basic inventory crafting)
- Coal Pickaxe
- Water Pickaxe
- Erchius Pickaxe
- Slime Pickaxe
- Bone Pickaxe
- Poison Pickaxe
- Core Pickaxe
- Lava Pickaxe
- Plasma Pickaxe
- Space Pickaxe
- Black Pickaxe
- Yascalt Pickaxe
- Quartz Pickaxe
- Ice Pickaxe
- Water Broadsword
- Erchius Broadsword
- Poison Broadsword
- Lava Broadsword
- Plasma Broadsword
- Space Broadsword
- Black Broadsword
- Water Bomb
- Erchius Bomb
- Poison Bomb
- Water Dagger
- Erchius Dagger
- Poison Dagger
- Crafting Recipe (Found in technology chests, which are easily found in ocean biomes)
If you wish to redistribute this mod after alteration, please ask first.
If you wish to include this in a modpack compilation, go right ahead! Just mention me!
Unpack the "Universe+" Folder and place into "starbound > giraffe_storage > mods".
Will Add:
- More Weapons
- More Crafting Stations
- Hopefully compatability with Frackin Universe.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Universe+ 0.65
A mod that will gradually keep adding more and more items.
Recent Updates
- Fixed player.config Oct 27, 2015
- 0.6 Oct 22, 2015
- Version 0.5 Oct 12, 2015