I have stopped working on this mod, so if anyone's interested, they're very welcome to edit this and/or redistribute it however they like, all I ask is that if you give me a little credit, and definitely LunaOculi credit for all the amazing art she did!
Thank you!
ALSO E253MechaShadow made a fix for Pleased Giraffe! Use this link to download it. http://www.filedropper.com/undergroundchocolatebiomepgsbugfix
Chocolate biome!
This mod adds a biome that spawns underground, similarly to underground flesh and slime biomes.
There are three different types of chocolate that can be crafted into different furniture, blocks, food and drinks!
A harvest-able crop which produces coffee beans, used in multiple drinks.
Easter Update!
Lots of new Easter related items have been added! Have fun!
- 7 new material blocks.
- A harvestable 'Mocha' plant which produces coffee beans.
- 11 pieces of craftable chocolate furniture. Blueprints found within chests generated in the biome. This includes 6 chocolate race statues.
- 12 craftable consumables, as well as hot chocolate to keep you warm on winter planets, and coffee with added sugar!
- 2 (mostly) decorative hats found in randomly generated chests!
- A special new NPC which can be spawned and traded with.
- Chocolate eggs in the Biome can now be harvested and used in trading with the special NPC! ( You will have to go to a new world. )
- 16 new object types! (Chocolate chess pieces, Easter themed decoration and more!)
- 2 new Easter related vanity sets.
- 2 Fun Easter themed Novelty weapons.
To install this mod:
- Download with the top right link.
- Extract the folder into your Starbound mods folder. ( \Starbound\mods )
- Worry not, for no deleting of your universe file will be necessary! Simply go to a previously unexplored world and you could find it!
That's it! Have fun!
Also, if you wish to uninstall the mod. Planets with chocolate biomes may need to be refreshed ( Deleted in your Universe folder. ) Otherwise they will become inaccessable. )
Please keep that in mind when uninstalling, sorry again for any inconvenience.
Please report any bugs you find. As I stated initially, this is my very first mod and I am sure there is something I missed. Thanks!
Feedback and suggestions are also very welcome.
( Also, thank you to LunaOculi for drawing most of the sprites for the mod. You're great~ )
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Outdated Underground Chocolate Biome Techest fix
An underground spawning biome made completely of chocolate!
Recent Updates
- Techchest fix Feb 19, 2015
- fix for real this time Feb 18, 2015
- "category": "materials", fix Feb 18, 2015