This was meant as something for me personally, but I thought I would share it here. if you have suggestions or bugs, pleasefeel free to comment.
Credit: Creator of Lopunny Race, as it served as a template for this mod.
Hopes/plans for the future:
Animate the tail. (Done)
Add color cutomization to fur, rings, and eyes.(Done)
Add custom ship and AI.
Add tennants/villagers.
Fix race icon.(Done)
Add random generated villages.
Custom furniture.
Racial Armor.
Racial Clothing.
Racial Weapons.
Custom Respawn(?).
If you would like to help with any of the above, please let me know. Thank you.
Thanks to Alias for the sprite, and Ehksidian and Alias both for work on color customization.
In the works:
Special tool for the race
Custom hairstyles(need good sprite artist)
Everything listed above.
"How long has it been? I couldn't say... Time seems to blur together now. Things haven't been the same since Luna's grace abandoned us..." A once proud civilization, the Umbreon race faces looming extinction in the face of a mass ecosystem collapse caused by their twin moons colliding. The very celestial bodies that gave rise to the nocturnal species now hastens their destruction. In a desperate bid, you and a number of fellow volunteers were placed into a state of stasis and launched to the stars with but one goal: Find a new home. However, you awaken early in a hostile system, your ship damaged and critical systems failing. Seems you were caught in the debris of a destroyed world. Now it stands to you to explore and continue the work of Project Genesis... and to bring your kin home.
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Umbreon Race v3.15b
Adds umbreon race to starbound
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- Microfix Aug 20, 2023
- Final bug smashing Aug 24, 2018
- Minor bug smashing Jul 1, 2018