Today I decided to get into modding and therefore I tried to make a first small mod. A custom UFO-Mech:
As you can see, it has a grenade launcher mounted to its bottom. It is able to hover in the air and is controlled by the movement keys. It uses some sounds from the game and the standard grenade animations.
The texture looks kind of crappy because I'm rather a programmer than a designerBut this is more a test rather than a serious mod to learn about the possibilities of the modding system and the structure of the game, so it doesn't matter. I wanted to share this with you, if you want to try it out.
Thanks to Affero for the improved graphics!
If you want to see it in action, look at this mod showcase by Katukaz:
Starts at 3:50.
Thank you for calling it your favorite mod, Kazuka!
Game Version: Offended Koala
To install the item:
0. If you had older versions installed, disable the tech on all your characters.
1. Download the File.
2. Extract the content to your ./mods folder
3a. If you have the Tabula Rasa Crafting Station installed, you are done. You can craft the UFO for one pixel at it
3b. If not, add the following line
afterCode:{ "item" : "lonesurvivor_ufoMechTech" },
into your assets/player.config file. It should now be automatically available to all your characters.Code:"tier1" : [
4. Craft it, if necessary and activate it
5. Press F to activate the Mech.
6. Blow up yourself by using the grenades in your ship
7. If you want to uninstall it, make sure to unequip the tech ingame first! After that, you can just delete all the files and remove the line from player.config.
Have fun![]()
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Outdated UFO Mech 17-12-2013
A hovering mech with grenade launcher
Recent Updates
- Made it learnable Dec 17, 2013
- Minor improvements Dec 16, 2013
- Updated to Offended Koala Dec 15, 2013