This is the Troll race from Homestuck. Currently it's in "Beta" stage. It's fully working though, just a bit basic all around.
What it has:
-Default human hair as well some canonical HS troll hairs
-Fully functional horn slider and blood color slider
-Canon blood colors
-Canon horns
-Canon troll clothes
-Race description
I will update this for any future Starbound versions and will keep adding to the content. I am going to make armors, a ship + fully upgrade-able, weapons, more horn options, etc. I also plan to make a Cherub race mod and perhaps a full on Homestuck mod. All in due time of course.
Some sort of race loader. I can confirm that Kawa's xbawks-mode character creation works as of V1.1.1:
Credits and Permissions:
A lot of the resources in this file comes from Woo-hoo's troll race mod. So this is essentially an updated version of their mod. I have messaged them asking for permission however they have not answered yet to my request. They haven't updated the mod in a long time and haven't been very active on this site in a while. So I've went ahead and uploaded this file although if they decide they do not want it up I will take it down and start working on my own resources to replace theirs.
I greatly appreciate that I've used their resources as it's made starting this mod off a lot easier. I know Woo-hoo's original mod was highly beloved and in high demand by many and I am no exception to this. I'm not trying to steal their credit, nor their hard work. I am willing to put in just as much work as they did and if I am allowed to use these resources then I will put in lots of work to make it superior.
Another person to credit is drpvtskittles for their Race Template mod. Without it I would've had to reverse engineer one of the default races which would've been more confusing and time consuming. So kudos to them. Vastly appreciated.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Troll Race Mod(updated) SB v1.1.1 Mod v0.9
The Troll race from Homestuck
Recent Updates
- Recipe Update Oct 2, 2016
- Minor Update Oct 1, 2016
- Another Small Update Sep 27, 2016