I can see the weapons, but i cant see any of the armor....
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The XCOM Mod 3.5.1
Now With 1.0 Support!
- 4/5,
Really good mod, weapons are a bit too op but it's still very well-done. May i suggest adding quests related to X-com?
- 4/5,
Loving this mod so far, but... the weapons are -insanely- overpowered it seems! I went from doing 20dmg to some mobs with my tier 7 Frackin Universe gear, to doing 988 dmg with a psi amplifier- which is way cheaper/ easier to craft. Overall though, I love the feel and look of this mod. Would it be OK for me to make a mod pack with just portions of the mod, so I can keep my friends from frying me with a railgun? :)
PS; Skyranger being flyable made me tear up. <3 -
- 3/5,
Single Player works like a charm, but when used in Multi-Player crashed the game.
Author's Response
Were the other players using the mod?
- 5/5,
To say the least this mod is one of the best available for a very VERY promising game. The ability to build my own XCOM HQ and explore the galaxy using some very nostalgic and epic equipment is one I'm very happy to have. I send my thanks to the author.
Author's Response
Awwww! Your so nice!
Author's Response
Download the mod, take the folder out of the .zip and put it in your games mod folder. Don't forget to unsubscribe if you have installed it from the steam workshop.
- 5/5,
Great mod! one of the best mod in Starbound. And if you don't mind, can you update steam version as well?
- 5/5,
Gorgeus looking armors, great weapons, one of the best mods at this moment. Ever considered uploading it to workshop?
Author's Response
Already there :D
- 4/5,
I do wish you'd use some of the sound effects from XCOM honestly (The lazer weapons sounds like the Lazer Rifle from Fallout) But other than that, this is a very awesome mod.
Only thing missing from this mod is a sectiod for me to shoot. -
- 5/5,
I've been playing XCOM for a while, and i'm glad to see this mod for Starbound, thanks for making it!
Author's Response
You're Welcome!
Author's Response
You need to unlock the blueprints at dr vahlen.
- 5/5,
Nice Mod. In the future we would like to see the Avenger and enemies such Viper, zombies, Mouton and other NPC. Really good mod, but still have a bit to finish
Author's Response
Yes, Though I don't know how to make custom npc's or ships yet. And i'm holding off from updating until the 1.0 update as I don't want to release something only to have it outdated a few weeks later.
- 5/5,
Would rate 6 stars but there is no "Good Luck, Commander" reference on this page.
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