Have you ever had the urge to throw a tuba at someone but couldn't cuz tubas didn't exist? No? Well this is the perfect mod for you! Once you install this mod, you won't be able to throw tubas but, you can definitely play it in front of them!
What is this mod?
This mod is a mod that mods in pretty much any instrument that Starbound still hasn't added in and makes the default instruments's volume louder!
Why would I need this mod?
Idk, if ya like instruments or play one, maybe yours might be in here! (If it isn't, just comment down below your instrument and I'll see if I'll be able to add it!
How many instruments are in this mod currently?
There are exactly 72 instruments are in this mod currently. If you add this with the default instruments, you get 103 instruments!
What instruments are in this mod currently?Here's a list of all of the instruments and the command to spawn them:
- Bass - /spawnitem bass
- Bass Clarinet - /spawnitem bass_clarinet
- Bass Drum - /spawnitem bass_drum
- Octave Bassoon - /spawnitem octave_bassoon
- Shamisen - /spawnitem shamisen suggested by /u/DenSavage
- Bass Trombone - /spawnitem bass_trombone
- Bassoon - /spawnitem bassoon
- Cello - /spawnitem cello
- Pizzicato Bass - /spawnitem pizzicato_bass
- Alto Clarinet - /spawnitem alto_clarinet
- Contra-Alto Clarinet - /spawnitem contra-alto_clarinet
- Contrabass Clarinet - /spawnitem contrabass_clarinet
- Octocontra-Alto Clarinet - /spawnitem octocontra-alto_clarinet
- Octocontrabass Clarinet - /spawnitem octocontrabass_clarinet
- Contrabassoon - /spawnitem contrabassoon
- Bass Balalaika - /spawnitem bass_balalaika
- English Horn - /spawnitem english_horn
- Glockenspiel - /spawnitem glockenspiel
- Handpan - /spawnitem handpan suggested by /u/TwoastySplosion
- Marimba - /spawnitem marimba
- Piccolo - /spawnitem piccolo
- Flugelhorn - /spawnitem flugelhorn
- Bass Trumpet - /spawnitem bass_trumpet
- Garklein Recorder - /spawnitem garklein_recorder
- Tenoroon - /spawnitem tenoroon
- Serpent - /spawnitem serpent
- Piccolo Clarinet - /spawnitem piccolo_clarinet
- Soprano Recorder - /spawnitem soprano_recorder
- Tenor Recorder - /spawnitem tenor_recorder
- Great bass Recorder - /spawnitem great_bass_recorder
- Sub-Great Bass Recorder - /spawnitem sub-great_bass_recorder
- Alto Horn - /spawnitem alto_horn
- PIccolo Trumpet - /spawnitem piccolo_trumpet
- Beatboxing Microphone - /spawnitem beatboxing_microphone suggested by /u/NotThatJaredBlack
- Kazoo - /spawnitem kazoo
- Sarrusophone - /spawnitem sarrusophone
- Snare Drum - /spawnitem snare_drum
- Tambourine - /spawnitem tambourine
- Hyperbass Flute - /spawnitem hyperbass_flute
- Double Contrabass Flute - /spawnitem double_contrabass_flute
- Subcontrabass Flute - /spawnitem subcontrabass_flute
- Bass Flute - /spawnitem bass_flute
- Contrabass Trumpet - /spawnitem contrabass_trumpet
- Contra-Alto Flute - /spawnitem contra-alto_flute
- Alto Flute - /spawnitem alto_flute
- Timpani - /spawnitem timpani
- Trombone - /spawnitem trombone
- Keytar - /spawnitem keytar
- Contrabass Trombone - /spawnitem contrabass_trombone
- Soprano Trombone - /spawnitem soprano_trombone
- Piccolo Trombone - /spawnitem piccolo_trombone
- Tuba - /spawnitem tuba
- Chimes - /spawnitem chimes
- Soprano Saxophone - /spawnitem soprano_saxophone
- Tenor Saxophone - /spawnitem tenor_saxophone
- Bass Saxophone - /spawnitem bass_saxophone
- Vibraphone - /spawnitem vibraphone
- Viola - /spawnitem viola
- Triangle - /spawnitem triangle
- Ophicleide - /spawnitem ophicleide
- Baritone - /spawnitem baritone
- Baritone Saxophone - /spawnitem baritone_saxophone
- Alto Saxophone - /spawnitem alto_saxophone
- Waterphone - /spawnitem waterphone
- Euphonium - /spawnitem euphonium
- Hurdy-Gurdy - /spawnitem hurdy-gurdy
- French Horn - /spawnitem french_horn
- Cimbasso - /spawnitem cimbasso
- Balalaika - /spawnitem balalaika
- Subcontrabassoon - /spawnitem subcontrabassoon
- Ukulele - /spawnitem ukulele
- Heckelphone - /spawnitem heckelphone
Are you going to add more instrument eventually?
Heck yeah I will! Here's the list of instruments I'll (hopefully) add eventually:
The rest of the saxophone, recorder, and oboe familieS; theremin; kantele; choir/vocals (suggested by /u/ZDuff); cymbals; melodica; cornet; kit violin; harp guitar; venova; and contraforte.
Are you currently taking suggestions?
Of course!
How often will you update this mod?
I will update this mod every 4 updates this mods gets on Steam.
Can you find these like regular instruments in chests?
My discord name: Anoyth#7777
Add meh if ya like!
Programs used to make the instruments:
- FL Studio
- Musescore
- Polyphone
- Photoshop
- Adobe Audition
- Audiacity
- Some other ones that I forgot about
(I'll add images later)
Some music made with these instruments:
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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The Too Many Instruments Mod 1.15.1
When you feel like 31 instruments isn't enough.