Message of the day:
A bit of history:
Since Heliostorm , creator of the original ponybound mod, decided to stop working on his mod, I, C0bra5, have decided to continue the mod by including it to a mlp centered modpack. and here we are
The modpack is actually containing 4 mods so far:
Ponex, by Chandrak, now updated by C0bra5
A.V.I.A.N. Pony Patch, by C0bra5
Ponybound, by Heliostorm, now updated by C0bra5
Pony plushies and cadance javelin , by m21, now updated by C0bra5
Twilicane, by C0bra5
Sprite created by: Camerond.D,from the bronies australia forum's
According to Mediafire the modpack was downloaded 29,551 times version wide... (2020-06-11 11:00 EST)
Focus of the next update:
- furniture,
- npc,
- villages,
- making the bots tennants
- fixing the dubstep cannon sync issue
- probably more
Known bugs:
- none yet
My "todo" list:
Note to everyone that want to help us with the modpack
- Next update...
- Villages - on hitaus
- Ships lockers and stations
- Ship for higher tiers.(these thing are huge don't expect them soon)
- Things...
Please note: If some one want's to give me some assets/graphical stuff for the modpack, just say it in the discussion tab, i watch it regularly!
Fan-Fic about the modpack (by: BusterBuizel)
Contact Info:
- Steam: C0bra5
The "thank you zone"
- Huge thank's to Heliostorm for creating all the 3 first pony races assets!
- Thank's to Chandrak for allowing me to merge the ponex mod the pony modpack!
- Thank's to BusterBuizel for helping me with some graphic parts of the modpack.
- Huge thank's to Deciton_Reven for making a lot of the graphic parts of the modpack.
- Thank's to Christovski for giving me a ton of pony one liners and for making the in game text have correct grammar and spelling.
- Thank's to SpaceKGreen for the violium and cerulium ponex armors.
- Huge thank's to Snowy Iceshards for spamming me with spell assets and creating the new 1050 weapons.
- Thank's to Jakebur4 on looper man for posting the dubstep cannon loop and NCS. for publishing song Paralysed, from which the loop is from.
- Thank's to alividlife in looperman for posting the loop used in the wife launcher.
- Thank's to MelOzone for creating the new pony emotes.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Do not alter or redistribute the assets included in this mod.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

the pony modpack V3.2.4 Balanced Stallion
a starbound my little pony: friendship is magic centred modpack
Recent Updates
- V3.2.4 Balanced Stallion Jan 29, 2024
- V3.2.3 Balanced Stallion Oct 7, 2022
- V3.2.2 Balanced Stallion Sep 20, 2022