Also available on Steam Workshop
A benevolent race of anthropomorphic porpoise-like beings that strive for advancements in knowledge and enlightenment.
The cultural theme for these guys is advanced Atlantean. Think mostly Greco-Roman with a high-tech vein.
Orcana technology is derived from biochemical principles and they can harness the potential power from those kinds of reactions. Bioluminescent strips (as illustrated in the ship design below) will be prevalent in their architecture and will serve to illustrate the nature of their technology.
(fan art by Febilian)
Current features:
Coming Soon / WIP:
- Character customization with options for fin styles, patterns, and pattern colors
- Animated tails
- Custom name generator
- Craft-able Orcana flag
- Starting weapon (trident)
- Craft-able tridents for all tiers
- Craft-able boltguns for all tiers with custom projectiles
- Tiers 1 - 4 armor
- 4 starting outfits - toga, active, formal, and casual (all craft-able with the spinning wheel.)
- A set of coral furniture
- Orcana Cities
- Orcana colonists (villager, merchant, chef, guard, and a new Orcana Scholar Merchant)
- All 8 ship tiers
- On-ship pet
- Racial mech bodies
- 3 new farmables (2 new plants and farmable ember coral)
- New recipes using new farmables (with cooking collection entries)
- New Orcana fossils (with fossil collection entry)
- New Giant Coral biome
Future Features:
- City Improvements
- More Armor sets
- Giant Coral microdungeons
- Villages/Outposts
- Respawn animation
- Codex
- Themed Dungeon
- Glowing rune and/or Greek alphabet tiles (Possibly even an alphabet of my own design?)
NOTE: You will need a race extension mod for this to work. Here are a few:
Small Extended Race Selection
Simple Extended Character Creation Mod
Kawa's xbawks-mode Character Creator
Discord server:
Please offer any feedback you may have in the discussion thread. I'm always open to suggestions. Thanks!
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Do not alter or redistribute the assets included in this mod.
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The Orcana 1.4.3f
So long, and thanks for all the fish!
Recent Updates
- Parity Update Oct 30, 2023
- The Return May 21, 2022
- 1.4b Aug 22, 2019