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Outdated The More Food Mod [Outdated] v2.2.0 (Spirited giraffe)

Adds food missing from starbound, or variations of existing food! ❤

  1. sayter
    Version: 1.6.4
    Like Tynaut, I saw "lots of plants not in the game" and auto-5'd. I'll add compatibility in FrackinFlora extractors for your plant goods and foods as soon as possible. And, if you desire, feel free to add some of my plants into your foods. Cool by me, if that's anything you'd considered.
    1. TheBigBlueSerpent
      Author's Response
      Glad to know alot of people also wanted more crops!
      Sounds like a plan. :)
  2. Nikia
    Version: 1.6.3
    Awesome mod :D The Tabularasa is needed to let you get the items. I'm sure you could team up with someone make them a random drop, or a random world gen or something.
    1. TheBigBlueSerpent
      Author's Response
      Thank you! I'd like to randomly generate foods in chests and plants on the surface.
  3. The Maneiac
    The Maneiac
    Version: 1.6.3
    Nice Mod Also Cheesecake and Cheese cream Biscuits
    1. TheBigBlueSerpent
      Author's Response
      Nice suggestions! I'll add them to the list! :)
  4. tynaut
    Version: 1.6.3
    Frankly, I saw that you had lettuce in there, and I just stopped reading and said "ok 5 stars"

    I know you are still working, but I'm so glad you are putting all these veggies in there, some I've been dearly wanting in game. Now if they were randomly discoverable on planets and in chests, that would be amazing.

    The other day I wanted to make an egg salad sandwich, and a chicken salad sandwich. But I had no mayo! Which I can't make because I don't have oil or vinegar, even though I have plenty of eggs. I assume there's some kind of vinegar in StarBooze, OR you should make a recipe that uses all the StarBooze equipment, because wine => vinegar is the answer. But you should add recipes for corn => corn oil at the kitchen table (unless you want to make a press) and then also add olives as a resource, and then olive => olive oil.

    I keep wondering why there is no salt and pepper in game. But since it's such a tiny detail, it would be rough including it in EVERY recipe. But I still think some vanilla recipes should require a "bag of seasoning." And all baked goods should be wheat => flour => item.

    Sorry, rambling.
    PS. Avocados are my favorite. Unfortunately they grow on trees
    1. TheBigBlueSerpent
      Author's Response
      Thank you!
      I'm not sure how to randomly generate them on planets or in chests yet, but I'll look into it after I straiten out a few problems.

      Great suggestions! I'll see what I can do.

      I actually have textures for salt and pepper already. xD
      I would also love to add trees! for advocados, cherries, nuts, etc..
  5. AlexQuinn13
    Version: 1.6.2
    Really awesome! Anyone suggest hot dogs yet?
    1. TheBigBlueSerpent
      Author's Response
      Not yet! I'll get working on that. :)
  6. Brony4eva
    Version: 1.4
    Really good and lots o food. the only problem I have is the taco takes a bit to make. also add in pizza rolls
    1. TheBigBlueSerpent
      Author's Response
      The tacos cost a lot to make but they give alot of food!
      Thanks for the request! Pizza rolls will be added in the next update.
  7. Millernator114
    Version: v1.3
    Just when i thought we couldn't get fatter. More food.. Great Mod if you want more food choices for your intergalactic feasts!
    1. TheBigBlueSerpent
      Author's Response
      Thank you. Do you think more lore friendly foods would be good? All of the foods I've added come from earth.
  8. Vuldreg
    Version: v1.3
    These food mods will be great once the pb&j one is fully functioning for me, Also I'd like to see burritos and also cookie dough icecream.
    1. TheBigBlueSerpent
      Author's Response
      I'm still not sure why the OB+J won't work for you.
      Burritos are already in game, but I'll add one with another name. and Of course I'll add cookie dough icecream! :)
  9. DragoZeroOne
    Version: v1.2
    Great! Not enough of food! Need more! Still hungry. xD
    1. TheBigBlueSerpent
      Author's Response
      Added some new food, and plenty more on the way! Enjoy!
    Version: v1.2
    I think it's awesome!
    Hey Maks2123 you spelled graphics wrong...
    1. TheBigBlueSerpent
      Author's Response
      Thank you!
      Yeah, judging by the grammar alone that review was made by a child.
  11. Maks2123
    Version: v1.2
    Well, this mod is an nice idea but fataly bringed into reality. The graphicks are crap and the recepies too easy.
    1. TheBigBlueSerpent
      Author's Response
      Please tell me how the "graphicks" are crap, and how the recipies are too easy.