Have a bug to report? Please message me with the log~
Have a suggestion?- Mention it in the discussion tab and
I may add It to the mod!
Chocolate making- [in 10 easy steps]
Step 1:
-buy cocoa and vanilla seeds from the terramart
Step 2:
-plant said seeds and wait for them to grow [cat optional]
Step 3:
-harvest the now fully grown crops
Step 4:
-roast the raw cocoa beans in a furnace
this will give you cocoa beans.
Step 5:
At a kitchen counter, craft the cocoa beans into cocoa nibs
Step 6:
Grind the cocoa nibs using the hand mill
this will create cocoa powder.
Step 7:
Liquify the cocoa powder in a furnace [or oven if you like]
this will create chocolate liquor.
Note- You'll want to keep some chocolate liquor for chocolate making!
Step 8:
Now put the chocolate liquor into a hand press
This creates cocoa butter.
Step 9:
craft your vanilla bean into vanilla extract at a kitchen counter
Step 10- FINAL:
Visit the kitchen counter again and craft the chocolate of your choice. Or all of them.
Revived! -With update help from Mackinz, xxswatelitexx, and Kayuko.
-Add alternate vegetarian recipes
..and possibly veagan
Add custom cooking devices:
-Cutting board -Coming soon
-Drying rack
Add additional crops, trees,recipes, and foods:
-Blood +custom drop
-Fat +custom drop
-Maple syrup
Add fruit and nut trees:
-Apple trees
-Avocado trees
-Cherry trees
-Pecan trees
-Walnut trees
-Chestnut trees
-Almond trees
-Brazil nut trees
-Cashew trees
-Plum trees
-Orange trees
-Pear trees
-Cinnamomum trees
-Green apple trees
-Yellow apple trees
-Lemon trees
-Lime trees
-Peach trees
-Maple trees
-Mango trees
-Papaya trees
-Sugar apple trees
Crafting devices-
Hand mill:
used to grind items into other items~
Required- 4 Iron bars, 4 Wooden planks
Ice maker:
Used to freeze water into ice!
Required- 6 Steel bars, 2 Copper bars
Hand press:
Used to squish items into or out of other items~
Required- 4 Iron bars, 2 Wooden planks
Hand butter churn:
Used to churn milk or cream into butter!
Required- 6 Iron bars, 8 Wooden planks
New foods are crafted in the cooking bench or cooked at campfires.
new foods coming soon.
Add an idea for a food not used in a mod yet In your review and It will most likely be added!
-Adds lots of new foods and over 18 new crops!-
Seeds and special produce sold in the terramart!
A list of the new foods-
Sliced mango
Mango juice
Sliced grapefruit
Grapefruit juice
Sliced lemon
Lemon juice
Sliced orange
Orange juice
Sliced lime
Lime juice
Dragonfruit [pitaya]
Sliced dragonfruit
Dragonfruit juice
Roasted peanuts
Peanut butter
Toasted mashmallow
Baked potato
Fried egg
Scrambled egg
Scrambled egg with ketchup
French fries
French fries with ketchup
Baked diodia
Stuffed Pepper
Sweet potato
Baked sweet potato
Loaded baked sweet potato
Sweet potato fries
Egg on toast
Egg and bacon sandwich
French toast
French fries
ground cinnamon
mashed sweet potato
dark chocolate
white chocolate
chocolate liquor
cocoa butter
cocoa nibs
cocoa powder
cocoa beans
raw cocoa beans
sliced cucumber
vanilla extract
Lemon icing
Lemon cupcake
Chocolate icing
Cupcake chocolate
Cupcake vanilla
Vanilla icing
Cupcake paper
Cupcake batter
Baking powder
Condensed milk
Golden syrup
Chocolate covered bacon
Whole oats
Oat grains
Caramel square
Chocolate covered coffee beans
Chocolate french toast
Cinnamon french toast
Chocolate chips
Chocolate ice cream
Vanilla ice cream
Chocolate chip ice cream
..And more added frequently!
Thanks for all the love, support, and help! -`´-
Special thanks to Bitvector + Mackinz +Sayter
WARNING- Harvest any crops before installing an update. Just in case!
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Outdated The More Food Mod [Outdated] v2.2.0 (Spirited giraffe)
Adds food missing from starbound, or variations of existing food! ❤
Recent Updates
- Sweet potato terramart fix Aug 5, 2015
- Update and numerous fixes! Aug 5, 2015
- Sweet potato PGI fix Aug 4, 2015