This has been a while in the making(like 2 days straight). I was looking for an easy(ish) way to get more instruments and craft them, but it always seemed to add to my crafting table or anvil or something, I wanted a dedicated table.
I used various aspects form other instrument crafting mods, but streamlined it into my own version. This is also Compatible with Tabula Rasa.
To get the Instrument box you take any instrument and smelt it in the stone furnace. This will give you the Instrument Box blueprints, which you can then use to 'craft' the instrument box.
The box itself is crafted in the basic wooden crafting table, for 2500 pixel (had to make it relatively balanced) once you have it, each instrument only costs 1 pixel.
To reiterate: Any instrument> Stone Furnace> use Blueprint> Crafting table> place Instrument box down to use
New style mod: works with Offended Koala
just unzip into /mods folder
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Outdated The Instrument Box - Compatible with Tabula Rasa 1.0
A box filled with instruments!