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The Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Mod 0.1 - Cheerful Giraffe

Slowly porting to 1.0

  1. The Revolver Update + CS:GO Weapon Case


    - Added the R8 Revolver, a highly accurate and powerful revolver, with around the same capability of the Desert Eagle!
    - Added the CS:GO Weapon Case, a crafting station used to create weapons and armour from this mod!

    And other minor fixes, such as:

    - Updated the sprites and other sprite-related things
    - Updated some of the fire sounds
    - Increased the tier of the weapons from 6 to 7
    - Balanced the armour's stat bonuses
    - Fixed being unable to craft the armours
    - Increasing the damage of the Glock-18 and the USP-S
    - And other things I forgot about!
    SANESS likes this.
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