Nice mod, Im hoping to try :D
Also can i yeet in a order?
The Fleshpounder
Type: Broadsword
Appearance: An Old machine that grinds up flesh with sawblades, Its covered in flesh with eyes at the bottom.
Primary Ability: Slashes into people to grind them into pieces harder then my grades.
Secondary Ability: You do a Thrust kind of dash while sawing up the ground, Leaving Bones sprout from the ground to unsuspecting enemies.
Extra: *To much blood*
Craft extra: Idk about the craft station, But do craft it with flesh blocks and a few bones, Also i r o n or something. You choose.
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The Black Market 0.0.6
Advanced, high-quality, shady, weaponry for the public to use!
- 5/5,
- 5/5,
A great mod,rather classy and such with the weapons.
and can i place an order?
Ruinous tooth.
Appearance:an fleshy looking sword similar to the Oculus reaver the handle is bone in color with an curved end that is facing forward,the blade hilt is just an large silted eyeball that blink each time it changes form,the blade is curved upward,its cutting edges as it say an rows of tooth's,the inside of the blade that make the whip part is an intestine like object that stretch as the blade open up in its whip form.
it also look like a spine instead of your average bladed form.
Primary ability:
Hook line sinker- 40dps+poison,when jumping the blade extend and can hook enemy pulling them to be finished.
Secondary ability:
Whip form- transform the Blade to its whip form,in this from the blade use a charge mechanic to lunch the whip out to unsuspecting foe,pull the player if they hook to an tile.
Extra:Only craftable in Tier 3 anvil you need: 20 flesh strands,40 bones,a living root,25 poison,10 sharpened claws and an intestine whip and don't forget the 50 tentacle cluster to hold everything together like a ribbon. -
Over Gaming
- 5/5,
Can i order:
Sword of death
Type: broadsword
Appearance:LOOOOng dark blade, black hilt and The blade radiated dark sparks,In the middle was a skull
Primary Ability:
Just cut to pieces -33 dps
Secondary Ability:
Call a black hole -66 dps (if it's hard then you can just made a simple field)
Extra: can made by anvil 3 lvl and need 666 blocks of bone and something like that. price veery expensive like 66 666
(thx you the best!!!) -
Author's Response
lol, how does this always managed to get reviewed after it was buried? thanks though lol, was thinking about updating soon
Author's Response
lol thanks
- 5/5,
Hey do you think you could maybe figure out a way to make weapons that actually consume ammo? I've always had a bit of a grudge against the energy thing, maybe you could do some experimenting with throwables (the item looks like a gun in your hands, but you "throw" the item to fire maybe? and then to make the "thrown" item more bullet-like up the values for projectile speed and cooldown, just a suggestion but if you have other ideas, by all means, do whatever works, not sure how reload would work with that) as for the style of the ammo consuming weapon maybe do something based lightly on the assualt rifle from Halo Reach but not an exact copy. If possible a reload animation would be awesome, that's what I'm really missing without ammo consumption.
Author's Response
I could probably do that, it's not a bad idea it'll let you save energy at the cost of bullets.
Author's Response
Thanks! Haha, I'm working on a new update so stay tuned!
- 5/5,
1st of all this mod is pretty cool, can't wait to see what new weapons will be implemented, 2nd as for a weapon request here it is
weapon name: Overlord's Scythe
type: broadsword
tier: 6
appearance: a sinister obsidian scythe with a cruel looking blade, etched into it are sinister blood runes (primarily on the blade) and on the head bit (a.k.a the part that connects the blade to the shaft/staff) a red eye eerily reminiscent of the ruin.
primary ability: killing things with this weapon will slightly heal the player
secondary ability: for the price of part of the player's health the scythe will summon a guided blood orb that deals the same damage as the weapon does
extra: the scythe should deal 40 dps and should be quite expensive (a.k.a late/ end game materials with a good deal of obsidian thrown around)-
Author's Response
I'll see what I can do :)
Author's Response
Sounds do-able.
Author's Response
Tell me what u have in mind
- 5/5,
class! what kind of weapons the order?
Russian I'm sorry for the mistake-
Author's Response
Any weapon you want :)
- 5/5,
Have you thought about moving this to the Steam Workshop?
Also I love the mod to heck :)-
Author's Response
Haha, thanks a ton! I haven't really thought about it, but I can if needed.
Author's Response
Hmmm, who knows maybe I'll just update it because I can. Idk, most likely not...
- 5/5,
It still doesn't work but if it gets fixed it will probably be my favorite mod
Author's Response
Cannot be updated currently however people may ask for permission to update and continue my mod.
Author's Response
Outdated, cannot be updated by me.
- 5/5,
amazing great concept and great for ingame fun
My request/idea
Melee:Haliegh's comet sword (sword that shoots ice and freezes stuff -
- 5/5,
This mod is so cool I love it! But I can't play it anymore... Can you please update it?
Author's Response
possibly, sorry its not updated yet
Author's Response
Okay, can you send me your log in a Pm?
- 4/5,
Heres an Order:
Name:Flamma Equo (latin for Flame Horse)
Ability:Fires sparks that grow in size over distance
Color:Mareen/Light Coral
Design:In the likeness of a Warhammer 40k imperial flamer
I hope for any feedback you might have, good day. -
Author's Response
This mod is outdated currently
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