Hey guys,
don't you know this situation when you just want to peacefully wander over your home planet on a nice, sunny sunday, and suddenly you get attacked by hordes of monsters appearing out of nothing? And of course, you did only take your crappy sunday sword with you. Goodbye cruel world...
Well, not anymore! Just get this brand new telekinesis technology and you will be able to just grab your enemies with your mouse and throw them whereever you want.
I finally managed to get some script control over the monsters in the world and decided to make this awesome piece of technology. Just activate the tech by pressing F, and you can drag and drop all the monsters you want to play with. It's simple as that!
Well, this is experimental technologie, and so there can be some problems:
- It can be quite laggy to use that, depending on how many monsters are on the screen and how fast your computer is.
- sometimes, especially if you move while have a monster grabbed, it can bug out and fly away. the same thing happens when you move the mouse too fast while dragging. You need to get used to it a bit.
- there are no animations or sounds in it at the moment. i want to focus on the functionality first.
- the monsters will not take fall damage
- it works only with monsters and birds at the moment (however, adding it to npcs should not be a big issue)
- I didn't try it on multiplayer, it may work or not
Right now it uses no energy and is available from the start of the game. It works only with walking monsters and birds. Like my UFO mech , it is made to play around with and try it out. I plan to integrate it into the game later when it is more balanced and i have some more mods to combine it with.
Game version: Offended Koala
0. Download the file.
1. Extract the content to your ./mods folder
2a. If you have the Tabula Rasa Crafting Station installed, you are done. You can just craft it there for one pixel (can't test it right now because the download doesnt work for me)
2b. If not: Open the assets/player.config file and add
afterCode:{ "item" : "lonesurvivor_telekinesisTech" },
3. That's it. Restart your game and the tech should be in your tech collection. Activate it, press F (disables your tools!) and grab monsters. Press F again to deactivate. There is no indicator if it is on or off right now.Code:"tier1" : [
--- Uninstallation ---
1. DISABLE THE TECH ON ALL YOUR CHARACTERS! Otherwise you can't access any of them anymore until you installed the mod again or deleted all of them!
2. Remove the code blocks from the edited files.
3. Delete the mods/telekinesis folder.
Now, have fun!![]()
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Outdated Telekinesis Tech 17-12-2013
drag, drop and throw your enemies
Recent Updates
- Made it learnable Dec 17, 2013
- Performance Improvment Dec 16, 2013
- Updatet to Offended Koala Dec 15, 2013