The main link is broken so im posting the alternative here
there is a revived version compatable with FU (in the discussion page 4 or down here) but i haven't tried it
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Survivalist Mod 2.13
- 5/5,
Starbound Modder [IDN]
- 3/5,
- 5/5,
Very good I played it with an earlier version but the new download is broken it just opens dropbox and thats it
- 4/5,
sup i downloaded the mod cleared my mod file and still nothing help me if you have the time thanks
- 5/5,
This is a great mod, for everyone who loves a challenge. It makes survival much harder and gives a bit of a DayZ feeling to STARBOUND.
- 5/5,
Can't wait to get back into this Mod.... Though I am a complete noob and takes me forever to just do simple tasks! Darn you Work! And other stuff happening in my life! Why must you be so eventful at times!!!
Thanks for the mod! Great to have you back! -
- 5/5,
I love so much this mod but, i can't download it, the file gone.
Dropbox don't want me to play this mod D: -
- 5/5,
I'm so happy to see this mod back! Thanks a lot! I've test it until i got the first sniper and so far it work well. :)
I do feel like it is easier than it was in 2014... i thought that the monsters were way more stronger and the "rare" drop were harder to get back then.
Is the alien from the exploding meteor still a thing? i've got a score to settle with them.... ;)-
Author's Response
SM 1 used a custom LUA for the behavior of monsters that made them different from vanilla. Sadly, I'm not a good a programmer as he was, but I'm working on it :)
As for the meteor monsters, they are in SM, although not implemented. I really wanted to add 'invasion weather' but just wasn't able to make it work :(
The monsters do work, but I wanted the weather and it peased me off that I wasn't able to do it.
FrackinUniverse did implemented (not the weather, just the monster)
Grom PE
- 4/5,
As an avid Better Than Wolves/Minecraft player I'm always looking for a good challenge in other games. Starbound became quite easy a while after its initial release, and I hoped a mod would fix it someday.
This mod provides an interesting challenge (if a little unfair) in the early game, but then quickly dissolves into an unbalanced mess with lots of surplus items and grinding for others. It throws away many mechanics of the original game but doesn't provide much on its own yet.
That said, the mod is a move in the right direction and I had fun playing it mostly until the repair of the FTL chip. -
- 5/5,
Amazing mod, I love the new features and content, and the new progression and that... *reading script* You... Defecate...? All and all great mod! Worthy of five stars! ^^
- 3/5,
I download the mod and i put it in my mod folder but it still doesn't work for me. Anyway you or someone can help me out here?
Author's Response
That's odd. Try some of this solutions:
- clear your mod folder before placing Survivalist (that's Starbound/giraffe_storage/mods/*here goes SurvivalistMod folder you downloaded* )
- back up or delete your previous characters and worlds (that's Starbound/giraffe_storage/player and Starbound/giraffe_storage/universe)
If any of this solutions work for you, PM me your log file (that's Starbound/giraffe_storage/log.txt) right after the game crashes.
- 5/5,
More than a worthy successor to the original... makes starbound have purpose again
- 1/5,
I wish it were possible to give a mod a minus stars rating but I'll just put it forward that this mod takes a game that can be challenging but enjoyable, and turns it into an unplayable mess that leaves you wanting to smash your keyboard and punch the screen.
- 5/5,
Love this mod.. was playing it with the wife and son and i have never known a game to give my son nightmares cause of one of them talking about eating his brains.. it was worth the late nights lol
- 5/5,
I missed this mod so much.
For some reason it also makes my game go silky smooth. Nice!