Starstructor, the Starbound toolset
Project Overview
Starstructor, previously known as the Starbound Toolset, is an open-source graphical editor for .dungeon and .structure files. The editor reads from a dungeon or ship file, converts that data into a graphical representation as would be seen in-game, then displays the results to the developer. The developer will be able to place tiles, objects, and npcs in the dungeon or ship, and the editor will automatically convert this back to the appropriate data that Starbound can read. The tool will completely abstract any JSON editing from the developer through use of intuitive user interface elements.
Current Release
The currently available version of Starstructor contains ship and dungeon display functionality, and rudimentary editing functionality. Brushes and parts can be imported through the editor. Starstructor in its current state is a very valuable tool for the experienced ship or dungeon editor, but it may be difficult to use for a novice. The intended user for this version is a developer experienced with JSON editing who wishes to use a graphical-based tool to edit dungeons or ships, or the average user who wants to view dungeons or ships outside of the game.
Source Code
How to contribute
Submit a pull request with your changes to the git repo you wish to contribute to. If you want access to regularly contribute directly to the repo, please contact Kel^ through IRC (detailed below) or through email at
IRC Information
We have an IRC channel set up on, channel ##starstructor. This channel is mainly used for coordination between contributors. If you want to speak directly with the development team, need support, or simply want to hang out, you are welcome to join us there.
System Requirements
- Windows
- .NET Framework 4.0 (now with experimental Mono support - give it a shot on any Mono-supported operating system, but it may die horribly at any time)
Installation Instructions
- Extract the provided archive to a folder of your choice.
- Start starstructor.exe.
- The toolset will attempt to automatically determine the path of your Starbound steam installation. If this cannot be found, you will be prompted to enter a path manually. Navigate to your starbound/assets/ folder.
- Note: you will need to unpack Starbound's assets in order to use open them in the editor.
User Guide
- Open a dungeon or ship through the file menu. Be patient, it can take some time to generate all of the graphical maps.
- The editor will be populated with all the brushes (and their assets) upon file load.
- On the right side of the screen, you can navigate through the dungeon or ship parts by clicking on them.
- Clicking on a parent node will open the composited image, that is, all layers in one file. For example, "entrance1".
- Clicking on a child node will open the individual layer. For example, "entrance1.png".
- To toggle between graphical display and raw colour map display, use the combo box at the bottom left of the screen.
- To draw on the layer, select a brush by clicking on it, then left click on the map. Note that you will draw to the current active layer, so make sure to select the correct layer before drawing.
- To pan around the map, press and hold middle mouse button, or left and right click at the same time.
- To zoom in, use your mouse wheel.
- To refresh your current layer (in order to clear visual glitches), press F5.
- To take a screen grab of your current layer, press F10. This is saved to your Starstructor directory.
- To use the eyedropper tool, right click.
- You can right click on a part or brush (or navigate through the various other buttons in the editor) to add a new part of brush, or modify existing ones.
- Use the PropertyGrid at the bottom right to modify attributes for your current selection.
Known Issues
- Platforms do not display correctly.
- If you encounter a crash on start up, please update your .NET framework.
No mod description is complete without a list of those who helped out along the way.
- LowestFormOfWit - application icon and application name
- Armagon - regular contact and assistance throughout the development process
- heinermann - various contributions to source
- Everyone in ##starbound-modding, a helpful community full of the Starbound modding scene's best and brightest
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
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Outdated Starstructor, the Starbound toolset 0.7.5145.12730
Starstructor is a graphical .dungeon and .structure (ship) editor
Recent Updates
- Changelog v0.7.5145.12730 (hotfix) Feb 1, 2014
- Changelog v0.7.5145.7246 Feb 1, 2014
- Changelog v0.7.5143.8266 Jan 30, 2014