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Outdated StarMount 5.1

StarMount - 150 Mounts - Pleased Giraffe

  1. marac008


    I present you the first mount mod with fully operational mounts. There are 150 mounts altogether, 70 ground, 20 flying, 20 swimming mounts and 40 transformations you can create, arranged by tiers. With new update you can upgrade all those 40 transforms from tier 1 to 11, so in a sense you can create 440 transforms. Every mount is individual, with his own unique set of animations, sounds, skills and techs and now mounts even have mining skill and they glow.




    From 4.4 update there are no more DNA extractor guns, so now you don't get Monster DNA from monsters, instead you craft it (Alienmeat + Pixels). (more info in Update section).

    For those that want older version (with DNA extractor guns) heres the link:


    Heres a list of how skills and tech are distributed among mounts:
    1. Tier 1 (Ground) - Melee
    2. Tier 2 (Ground) - Melee, primary fire, 1 tech
    3. Tier 3 (Ground) - Melee, primary fire, 1 tech
    4. Tier 4 (Ground) - Melee, primary fire, 1 tech
    5. Tier 5 (Ground) - Melee, primary fire, secondary fire, 2 techs
    6. Tier 6 (Ground) - Melee, primary fire, secondary fire, 2 techs
    7. Tier 7 (Ground) - Melee, primary fire, secondary fire, 2 techs
    8. Tier 8 (Ground) - Melee, primary fire, secondary fire, alternative fire (AoE), 2 techs
    9. Tier 9 (Ground) - Melee, primary fire, secondary fire, alternative fire (AoE), 2 techs
    10. Tier 10 (Ground) - Melee, primary fire, secondary fire, alternative fire (AoE), 2 techs
    11. Tier 10 (Flying) - Primary fire, secondary fire
    12. Tier 12 (Unique) - Melee, primary fire, secondary fire (charged), alternative fire (AoE), 4 techs
    Transforms (Upgradeable from tier 1):
    1. Tier 1 - Melee, mining
    2. Tier 2 - Melee, mining, primary fire, 1 tech
    3. Tier 3 - Melee, mining, primary fire, 1 tech
    4. Tier 4 - Melee, mining, primary fire, 1 tech
    5. Tier 5 - Melee, mining, primary fire, secondary fire, 2 techs
    6. Tier 6 - Melee, mining, primary fire, secondary fire, 2 techs
    7. Tier 7 - Melee, mining, primary fire, secondary fire, 2 techs
    8. Tier 8 - Melee, mining, primary fire, secondary fire, alternative fire (AoE), 2 techs
    9. Tier 9 - Melee, mining, primary fire, secondary fire, alternative fire (AoE), 2 techs
    10. Tier 10 - Melee, mining, primary fire, secondary fire, alternative fire (AoE), 2 techs
    11. Tier 11 - Melee, mining, primary fire, secondary fire (charged), alternative fire (AoE), 4 techs
    12. Swimming - Melee, primary fire (breathing underwater and lava/poison invulnerability)

    Key inputs:
    1. Mount activation - F button
    2. Melee - Down + Left / Right
    3. Primary fire - Left Mouse Button
    4. Secondary fire - Right Mouse Button (Transforms - hold right moust button for charging)
    5. Alternative fire (AoE) - Tap Down
    6. Blink - G button
    7. Dash - Tap Left / Right
    8. Multijump - Tap Jump
    9. Superjump - Up + Jump
    10. Jetpack - Tap Jump (Transforms - Up + Jump)
    11. Mining - Left Mouse Button + Right Mouse Button

    - Mining power for all transformations (except swimming) - holding left and right mouse button activates mining, by the tier 11 its a bit stronger than diamond drill

    - Light source for all transformations and tier 8, 9, 10 and flying/swimming mounts, this makes walking during night and mining a lot easier

    - Charged projectiles - holding down mouse button will charge the projectile and when fully charged you fire multiple projectiles

    - Melee attack doesn't use energy, because I wanted players to be able to use this attack when they are low on energy, but remember you can get hit by monsters

    - You don't need Tier upgrades to unlock certain mount tiers, because I find that pointless, I want higher level player to try lower level mounts without having to get Upgrade chip all over again

    - The higher the tier the better mount is, meaning they will be faster, jump higher, have stronger attacks and their techs will be more useful.

    - Energy consumption is bound with tiered armour, meaning if you want to use e.g. tier 7 mounts it is advisable to use tier 7 or higher armours for optimal energy consumption, if you have tier 6 or lower armour and use tier 7 mounts your energy will be depleted faster.

    How to use it:
    You can find recipe for Monster DNA at wooden crafting table or pressing button C, needed ingredients are alien meat and pixels. Then you have to build Mount Station or Transform Station with which you can create Mounts and Transformations by using that Monster DNA.

    Mounts are used like techs, meaning you have to select them at Tech Station, and then activate them by pressing "F", if terrain is not flat try jumping and then pressing "F", and move away from object, you can't activate mounts in front of an object.

    Upgrading transforms:
    Upgrading transforms has been changed because of some new changes to the game, now you can just create upgrades the same way you create base transforms and other mounts, BUT you have to do it in order, from tier 1 to tier 11, so if you want a transform that is for example tier 5, you have to create tier 1, tier 2, tier 3 and so on until tier 5.

    I didn't test this mod for multiplayer, so I can't say for sure it will work.

    Flying mounts:
    Getting Flying mounts is the same as getting regular mounts, you just need more resources to create them. They just have primary and secondary fire, but can fly all the time without using energy. Attack damage and energy consumption is the same as for Tier 10 mounts (could change in the future but for now its like this).

    Swimming transforms:
    With these transforms you can completely explore oceans since it will give you underwater breathing and lava/poison invulnerability so you can explore acid and lava oceans too.

    Extract Starmount.rar to the Starbound Mods folder (.../steam/steamapps/starbound/giraffe_storage/mods)

    It has to look like this:

    My other mod:

    Redpack Tech Flying Carpet - http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/redpack-tech-flying-carpet.1068/ (Used part of RedPack Jetpack tech code)

    Frackin Flora - http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/frackin-flora.925/ (Used DNA icon for Monster DNA)

    Some monster parts - Big thanks epsiloneagle256 for taking time and ripping some monster parts for me

    AnTiMonster - http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/antimonster-big-bag-of-monsters.301/ (Used some monster parts)

    Freaks of Nature - http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/freaks-of-nature.688/ (Used some monster parts)

    XS Mechs - http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/xs-corp-mechs-continuation.2662/ (Used his mod as a reference for adjusting my mod for Upbeat Giraffe)

    Bug report?
    If you have any kind of problem with my mod you can send me your starbound.log file which is located in .../steam/steamapps/starbound/giraffe_storage/starbound.log
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.

Recent Updates

  1. Minor recipes fix
  2. Minor recipes fix
  3. Minor fixes

Recent Reviews

  1. kaotyco
    Version: 5.1
    linke esta quebrado
  2. mentin20
    Version: 5.1
    o like esta quebrado :(
  3. Deaka
    Version: 5.1
    This made Starbound WORTH playing. I really hope someone can/will update this soon. I just can't play Starbound without this anymore
  4. zhujun
    Version: 5.1
    Great, I'm going to share it with the game.
  5. Damiano de' Caretti
    Damiano de' Caretti
    Version: 5.1
    Wonderful...but the mounts won't appear amongst the tech anymore...please update,this mod is magnificent :3
    1. marac008
      Author's Response
      Thank you for support, and sorry that mod doesn't work, I haven't updated it yet, and unfortunately I don't have the time to do it. If anyone has more technical info about what has been changed that would definitely help, or they can change it themselves and send it to me and I will gladly upload it again.
  6. Melly the WM
    Melly the WM
    Version: 5.1
    This mod was fun to play with for the few days I had to try it out. Can't wait for it to come to Glad Giraffe!
    1. marac008
      Author's Response
      Thank you for support, and sorry that mod doesn't work, I haven't updated it yet, and unfortunately I don't have the time to do it. If anyone has more technical info about what has been changed that would definitely help, or they can change it themselves and send it to me and I will gladly upload it again.
  7. kajtekk
    Version: 5.1
    AWESOME! When do you add any unique mount??
    1. marac008
      Author's Response
      Thank you :) I had plans to add some unique mounts, but unfortunately since I don't have any free time to work on this mod any further, this will have to stay just as an idea for some future updates.
  8. Chase_1159
    Version: 5.1
    Amazing mod. Well made. Good creature design and a great variety of options. The crafting GUIs are very well organized and none of the art looks out of place or clashes with starbound's style(minus the little monster portraits for the tech gui, but I think that was a deliberate compromise between function over form.) Definitely one of the top their mods in this site and a reducer of much frustration with the game.

    I have a few complaints, but they mostly end up being my preference for things rather than actual flaws of the mod. Like maybe making it so you can use fish, bird, and rib meat for the DNA (Also maybe some of the monster plates and other random junk monsters drop if it doesn't unbalance the mod.) Also if you could add a version of the T11 transformations without the robot looking powersuit because it's hard to pretend to be a tiny Godzilla rampaging in an NPC village while wearing a robot suit thing, or maybe that's just me. Also the ability to open chests, toggle doors, and use wired objects while transformed would be great.

    The were only two semi glitches, but I believe they're caused more by Atarbound itself then the mod. The flame(and other various things)throwers look a bit glitchey and don't exactly line up perfectly(If the author needs me to show a video example of what I'm talking about I can upload some footage of it in action. I believe this has something to do with how sprites in general seem to have trouble lining up or connecting together. The second semi glitch is the way the fish moves isn't perfect 360 movement, but at six angles: left, right, up left, down left, up right, and down right. I assume that this is caused by the way Starbound handles mouse input and to fix it would require massive amounts of overhaul to the point it wouldn't be worth it.

    These however are just nitpicks of an awesome mod that works great and is loads of fun.

    PS. The fish mounts are the best way to explore poison oceans without the frustration of keeping up some kind of shield or regeneration. Which makes it possible to actually enjoy the poison worlds a bit more. Shame Chucklefish didn't add anything to explore in Lava oceans.
    1. marac008
      Author's Response
      Thank you :) These are some good suggestions, unfortunately I don't have time for any other updates because I'm working on a project of my own, but after that who knows :)
  9. Ghost3345
    Version: 5.1
    Its so much fun have pets in starbound
    1. marac008
      Author's Response
      Thank you :)
  10. Treosk
    Version: 5.1
    Best Mod Ever! but the tier 1 melee has a really low damage, if possible pls raise it a bit.
    1. marac008
      Author's Response
      Thank you :)