Update 0.1.4
+ Swinging Vine, a grappling hook that can be found as loot in wilderness biomes.
+ Slime Hook, a grappling hook that can be found as loot in slime biomes.
+ Ice Axe, a grappling device that can be found as loot in alpine biomes.
+ Laser Mining Tool, a tool that mines blocks with a beam.
+ Mech Repair Tool, a tool that can repair mechs in exchange for taking energy.
+ Changed some textures for some foods to be way better.
+ Matter Module Components, materials that can be used to craft Manipulator Modules.
+ Tech Chips, materials that can be used to craft Tech Cards.
Bug Fixes
+ Fixed the Protectorate Pistol's beam explosion damaging the player.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Starbound: Universal Expansion 0.2
An expansion mod for Starbound (as the name implies).