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Starbound Patch Project 1.5.8

Fixes hundreds of typos, incorrect item properties, texture issues, and even some rare crashes.

  1. Update 1.5.7

    A soft conflict with OpenStarbound and xStarbound has been fixed.

    The doublethorns projectile no longer flies backwards.

    The Slime Mask no longer provides the lanternglow status effect.

    Essence was given a tooltip type that doesn't overhang the description.

    Pixels and Essence were assigned the currency category.

    Snuggets are now fullbright like the Novakid.

    The Swamp Chest was moved down a pixel so it doesn't float.

    The Oxygen Tank no longer has hiles in its swim frames.

    The Station Display is no longer missing a pixel in some frames.

    The Large Masteroid no longer has some miscolored pixels.

    The bunny critter eye color is now consistent on all frames.

    Starter pet entities now have names assigned.

    The Little Red Ball entity was assigned a name and description.

    More typos have been fixed, special thanks to Silver and Armok.
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