This mod has a lot of potential. I love the loot system,the combat tweaks and the general focus on exploration. That being said, the research system while a neat concept, is chaos. You either need a good readme, an ingame codex or some sort of way to steer players in the right direction. I spent hours playing with this mod and while exploring was fun and I got some mad loot, I still haven't even gotten a pickaxe. I just got planks maybe an hour ago, and that took stripping a village of its planks just so i could make a hoe. I could be playing wrong, but I wouldn't know it without some guidance. It's sad I really like this mod's content, but trying to figure out how to get the most basic items makes it tedious and unplayable. I really hope you make a guide at least because this mod is awesome, a maze of trying to figure out "why can't i craft this", but awesome.
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Outdated STARBOUND: New Origins ENRAGED | 0.5d
A Non Linear Total Conversion of Starbound