This mod is just texture tweaks that fit my personal preference.
This mod should work fine with multiplayer, but "Allow Asset Mismatch" must be checked for all clients.
To install: Download the .pak from this page and put it into your mods folder.
To uninstall: Delete the .pak from your mods folder.
If you enjoy this mod, please leave a rating. It will help me know what people like, and it makes me feel good to have made you happy. c:
Full album here:
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Do not include this mod in compilations.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Do not alter or redistribute the assets included in this mod.
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[Starbound 1.3+] Tanz Tweaks - Textures! 1.1.0
Fixes, changes, or tweaks textures of objects and tiles!
Recent Updates
- Splitting into two mods! Dec 1, 2018
- Update for Starbound 1.0+ Aug 4, 2016
- Added more stuff! Mar 29, 2016