Its awesome! Could you make a Luke mod for starboud?
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Star Wars: Leia Organa, Weapons & More One with the Force
Journey through galaxies far, far away as Leia Organa, with classic weaponry and familiar furniture
- 5/5,
- 5/5,
really cool! hope for more vanity items in the future
- 5/5,
VibroAxe is an interesting hybrid of classical axe, spear and broadsword.
I love it. Surely, also costumes. -
- 5/5,
Wow the moveable ponytail really makes a difference! Great Job Amazon! :D
- 4/5,
The costumes are done really well, as is the hair - it's certainly a cool thing.
I really enjoy the Star Wars blaster sound - I didn't think I would care, but there's something about the sound that is super cool.
Some critiques/suggestions -
* Why does the mod change the Human female skin to a nude skin? I'm not a prude, but it's odd. Was the skin change necessary for some reason? If it is, maybe consider changing the mod so that Leia is a separate race?
* The hurt sound is fine in my opinion (Carrie Fisher has a deeper voice than many actresses, but so what?), except that it needs to be normalized to the other sound levels in the game - the levels are noticeably higher than other sounds, so it's a bit jarring. I suspect that if others are complaining about the sound normalizing will satisfy many of the people who are unhappy about it.
* Unless you're going to add more SW furniture, I'd suggest making a version/option where the costumes are craftable at the Yarn Spinner, and the gear at the normal crafting tables because the two stations together take up a significant amount of room
Overall, a very good mod - interesting/fun changes without cluttering the wold too much. Very fun! -
- 4/5,
Fairly good mod. The clothing is well made and looks like its source. One slight complaint is that the melee weapons and DDC blaster are too... thin. The one pixel thickness makes them look quite flimsy and at odds with the general aesthetic of the rest of the game. The DH-17 is quite fine though. The blaster and container sound effects are good, although the hurt female sound might not be to everyone's taste it's probably a matter of opinion.
Overall, well made. Only a few slight quibbles prevent it from being perfect.-
Author's Response
My main reasoning for the smaller thickness in the weapons stems from my desire to have the weapons look as though they actually fit the perspective of the body. Adding more pixel thickness meant adding more bulk and making them look larger than the character. I was also striving to include as much detail as possible without making them too large.
All of the sounds are meant to be nostalgic: Leia's hurt sound effect comes straight from Super Return of the Jedi, the storage sounds from Knights of the Old Republic. While the hurt sound may not be ideal for all, I've always thought it to be a fun addition, and easily removed if the player chooses.
And clothing is my forte', and has always been the focal point of this mod, with the weaponry only serving to supplement each outfit. Though in the future I'd like to round the weaponry out and add more content, I will agree they could use some tweaking in stats, but I don't really have any intention on altering their appearances as far as bulk is concerned.
Thanks for rating!
- 5/5,
I was thinking, what would be a great Starbound mod? To be able to play as Liea, of course! Then I found this.
- 5/5,
this is awesome (despite the fact my main char is male, i have a few female characters this will go well with, plus i love the guns and workbench) one suggestion i have though, would it be possible to get a npc spawner for an npc with each type of outfit? that would be awesome for making up my crew on my ship :)
Author's Response
I'm glad ya like the mod! Hmm an npc spawner might be a good idea. Especially as a guard spawner. I'll put it on my list for future updates ^_^
Author's Response
Thank you for the compliment ^_^ So glad ya like it!
- 5/5,
Strange, that I never noticed what a compelling figure Leia Organa is until I saw your spritework. I look forward to see what you will come up with next.
Just to throw in a name to completely flatten me - How about Etain Tur-Mukan from the Republic Commando novels? -
- 5/5,
Outstanding mod. You managed to find a way to make me play something other than Apex. And being the bold guy that I am, I'll leave some sort of sugestion...If it wasn't too much of an issue, maybe you could add some sort of crafting object for all the FABULOUS outfits, kind of like the Republic Workbench is used for the weapons. Personally I think it would make the whole package a lot..cleaner, if that makes sence. ( Also the lazy me wouldn't have to scroll through all the outfits when crafting "normal" items. The problem with that is that I stop too many times to try and decide wich one to get next! =p)
Thank you for your beautiful work and sorry for the wall of text above. o7-
Author's Response
Oh wow, thanks for such a great review! I'm so glad to make people happy with what I'm Creating ^_^ In my last update I mentioned that I'm in the midst of working on a wardrobe for all the outfits so I could clean things up. It's going to have a design similar to the interior of the Tantive IV so it can fit in perfectly when the ship is completed! I also need to get around to cleaning up my overview page for the mod >_< Anyhow, I want the wardrobe to have an animated sliding door, and I just need to figure out how to do that since I'm an animations newbie. You'll see it here soon enough though! Thanks again for the kind review. It really means a lot, and pushes me to do more ^_^
Author's Response
Thanks so much!
Author's Response
Thank you so much! ^_^
- 5/5,
So much attention to detail with the spriting! I'm impressed. ^^
Author's Response
Thanks so much! I'm glad ya like it ^_^
Author's Response
Thank you so much for that compliment! It really means a lot to me :-D I'm so glad you enjoy what I'm creating.
- 5/5,
My jaw literally dropped at the Boushh assets. I was pleased with the initial one I'd done.
This absolutely destroys that.
If you have any interest at all in contributing them to the the SW Gear Mod, please drop me a line. You'd obviously be credited in full, and I completely understand if you want to do your own thing.
That Boushh sprite is the single best custom sprite I've seen so far. Unreal.-
Author's Response
Oh wow, thanks for the complement ^_^ You've done some great work ya self! I'm a big fan!
Anyhow, when I initially started this mod I had wanted to message you and talk about it, but I wasn't sure how it would come off, and I just had wanted to put my own Leia mod out there. I'd kinda like to keep this separate, but I'd love to mention your work, perhaps put in a link to yours and yours to mine, if that sounds good? But I'll think about combining. And I'd be up for a few collaborations, if you'd like to? Bastila Shan has been piquing my interest for spriting :P
Thanks so much, again for the great complements, it means a lot. :D