Wookie Furniture Objects and recipes
Wookie Lightsaber /spawnitem SWMwookielightsaber no recipe yet
Zabrak Furniture Objects and recipes
Zabrak Lightsaber /spawnitem SWMzabraklightsaber no recipe yet
Force Shield & Recipe
Updated/Recolored the Wookie and Zabrak ships. Trying to add a little customization to each species.
All the Wookie and Zabrak decor has colonytags on them, too attracted tenants.
Updated Mawg male/female head and Fem55 Hair
Changed them so the ears are now considered hair, and added the color options to the hair selection to match fur
this way, the ears do not poke through helmets.
Updated Rodian species file
Updated Rodian male/female head and hair files
Changed them so the top round ear tentacle things and the mouth are considered hair, so helmets hide them now.
Updated Zabrak, Toydarian and Ithorian species files.
Next update, I plan to make master lightsabers 1 handed and all force powers one handed. That way, Masters can wield force powers and lightsabers.
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Star Wars Community Mod 7.3
Star Wars Mod with Community Additions!