Hanging Light
Armoire Elegant
AT-ST Chair
Baby Colo Fish Tank
Large Bed
Cabinet Elegant
Desert Speeder Vehicle
Winnebago Vehicle (From spaceballs)
Mawg species (From spaceballs)
Updated the crossguard lightsaber recipe for all colors.
Most cloaks now give breathProtection, so you can keep your appearence on airless planets and moons
Added droid species (really sorry, looks horrible, but I suck at art. If anyone wants to make a better one, I'll gladly use it.)
Updated Force Lightning, no longer chain lightning like tesla staff, more close range.
Added Force Breath Control - no graphic back slot item, allows breathing on airless planets. Helps non-cloak wearing outfits keep appearence.
Added Force Tapas - no graphic back slot, keeps you warm in the cold!
Added ancient forge, and moved all the lightsaber recipes to it. tabs have no graphics yet, but they seperate the lightsabers into tiers.
Added Force Heal
Updated the Oredistribution.config patch file to spawn more of the mods ores.
Mandalorian jetpack now lets you fly, kind of. Adds multiple jumps, and slowly glide down if holding spacebar. Sorry for the sound effect, was the best I could find. If anyone finds better I'll change it.
This week I'm going to work on updating the species, I realized I need to change some of their heads so they can wear normal helmets and not have their heads stick out. I may also work on creating custom ships and furniture, etc for each species. As always, I welcome any and all help, credit will be given on main mod page.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Star Wars Community Mod 7.3
Star Wars Mod with Community Additions!