This mod adds the spigot and spout items to the wiring station. To use simply place it on a ceiling or wall, then load the liquid of your choice into it. Attach a switch of any kind with the wiring tool and turn it on to have the spigot generate the contained liquid endlessly. Use it with a drain to make waterfalls, showers, pools and other various liquid based bits of fun.
Spigot Properties:
Spout Properties:
- Spigot will not emit any liquid while submerged. - In the future I would like to change this to be based on how much pressure the liquid it is submerged in is under, but that requires a better understanding of the available functions to take advantage of the fluid mechanics.
- Flow rate is based on liquid stack! - The larger the stack you place in the spigot, the more the spigot will produce, be very careful with large stacks in small spaces!
- Horrible Pixel Art! - I am not a pixel artist...and it really shows. I may attempt to improve the graphics at some point in the future though it would likely result in something even worse then it is now. For those so inclined, the mod is left unpacked and the images are included, as well as the non transparent versions made in Paint. Don't change size or filenames and you should be able to touch them up if they are too much of an eyesore.
I hope you enjoy the mod and the opportunities it provides in building, or cheating I suppose, with infinite liquids. I take no responsibility if you ruin your character by leaving a spigot or spout spewing lava running on your ship.
- Lacking the safety features of the Spigot, the Spout will continuously emit liquid until shut off manually.
- Flow rate is based on the liquid stack. - As the Spout lacks the cutoff valve of the Spigot, extra care must be taken when choosing how much liquid to place within. Too much, and you can spend a very long time cleaning up the resulting flood.
- Floor Mounting! - Unlike the Spigot the Spout is able to be placed on floors.
- Less Horrible Pixel Art! - I'm actually kinda happy with how the Spout turned out appearance wise, the only issue is a strange offset in the tooltip, as I do not know how the image is setup in that window, brute force attempts at messing with all the offsets seem more time consuming for a trivial issue. As the object behaves just fine in placement I shall leave it for a rainy day.
Mod Compatibility: If you have created a new liquid in a mod, go here and add it to the table. Keeping the list up to date will allow other mod makers like myself to set up our mods to handle your custom liquids.
Now supports Frackin' Universe liquids!
Now supports Underground Chocolate Biome liquids!
Now supports Bees! Honey!
Now supports Food Recipes liquids!
Now supports Atomworks Rebirth liquids!
Now supports The Universal Uncrafter grey goo!
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
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Spigot 2.8
The Infinite Liquid Generator
Recent Updates
- Spigots of Mass Destruction Oct 5, 2015
- Slimy Spigot Sep 23, 2015
- Mimetic Polyalloy Spigot May 3, 2015