Here they are, the species you've always wanted but never knew you wanted
workshop link
Smol Avali
Canonically Avali are like only supposed to be less than a meter tall, yet in all iterations of the mod they have always been just as tall, if not appearing to be taller than all the other races.
and now they are very much smol
so smol in fact that they have to have a magic seat cushion whenever they sit in a chair
they even have a smol 1 block wide morphball as well (can only be enabled using /enabletech smoldistortionsphere or /smolaquasphere for the aquasphere variant at the moment, yet are entirely functional, just don't know how to prevent other species from getting them)
they are slightly more than two blocks tall when standing, and below two blocks tall when crouching
most headwear works fine even if it may seem comically large
...yes that one fits particularly well
Tech panel has the respective Avali Graphics
Main Features
Bugs and TODOs
- Smol Avali are a separate species to the original
- Requires Avali-Triage and a race extender (obviously)
- They are 2.5 blocks when standing
- Less than 2 blocks when crouching
- Head cosmetics are compatible for the most part
- Unique text for inspecting from Avali Objects+
the workshop has links to other minor edits and different variations that were requested, as well as Frackin Races compatibility. I know not everyone uses the steam version so those edits and the FR patch are in another zip included in the zip provided here
- Make other 'personalities'
- Make Smol Distortion Spheres obtainable
- Fix FR and FU BYOS support (rather low priority for me tbh)
Thanks to
@Lukea153 for getting me started on spriting some outfits
@TheOnlyRen for sending me the stuff for Avali Objects+ to implement
@RyuujinZERO because he made the Avali
@Fevix for the ship and the rest of the triage guys
and odly
@ManicRykker for inspiring this on the offhand by making the Penguin Priacy and proving that you *can* have a nonstandard race size, and I ended up basing on that as well as RaceBase
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- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
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Smol Avali 1.8
Avali but smol
Recent Updates
- Ask and ye shall receive Dec 28, 2019
- fixed swim and zero g animations Jul 15, 2018
- Avali Objects+ implemented! Jul 9, 2018