Stephan's Lots of Crops
This mod adds 9 new crops to Stardew Valley.
-Special Thanks-
MysticTempest for updating my mod in my absence as a part of the compatibility version with MysticTempest's Tea mod.
1. Install the latest Json Assets into your mods folder. It can be found at
2. Extract the this mod's folder into your mod's folder.
3. Have fun!
Disclaimer: This mod is copyright of stephanreiken and is provided as is, use at your own risk.
Link Above
Compatability Version - Here - This version renames all crops and recipes adding a prefix 'Wild' to make it compatible with other mods that already implement these crops.
2.0.0 - SDV 1.3 Update
Now dependent on Json Assets, bundle modifications have been lost. Small tweaks to various settings.
1.41 - Bugfix
Removed reference that should only be there in the compatibility version.
1.4 - SDV 1.2 Update
Updated to SDV 1.2 to reflect new languages, no major changes to the mod itself. Doesn't support non-En
1.3 - Bundles Update
Updated bundles, adding all modded crops to their respective seasons (those bundles still take only 4 to complete)
1.2 - Real Cooking Bugfix
Updated Cooking items to be added by Friendship or Skill, as the TV is hardcoded not to work with new additions.
1.1 - Cooking Update
Adds 6 Cooking Items/Recipies unlocked by the TV
Adds all items to universal Likes, and adds some NPC specific Dislikes (some dislike all vegetables, etc)
Fixed corruption in springobjects, discoloration on ice crystals in the mines.
1.0 - Release
This Mod adds the following crops to Stardew Valley. Seeds are sold from year 1 at Pierre's, scroll to the bottom of the list. It also adds 6 cooking recipes purchased at Pierre's in year 2.
Seed Price: 20
Crop Price: 55
Grow: 4 Days
Seed Price: 160
Crop Price: 85
Grow: 10 Days
Regrow: 4 Days
-Peas- (This is a Trellis crop)
Seed Price: 50
Crop Price: 40
Grow: 12 Days
Regrow: 2 Days
Seed Price: 200
Crop Price: 140
Grow: 17 Days
Regrow: 3 Days
Seed Price: 120
Crop Price: 110
Grow: 14 Days
Regrow: 4 Days
Seed Price: 40
Crop Price: 80
Grow: 5 Days
Seed Price: 20
Crop Price: 55
Grow: 7 Days
Seed Price: 40
Crop Price: 100
Grow: 8 Days
-Peanut- (Multiharvest)
Seed Price: 90
Crop Price: 90
Grow: 12 Days
This mod adds the following recipes purchased at Pierre's starting at year 2.
Onion Rings
Pineapple Pizza
Pea Soup
PBJ Sandwich
Spinach Dip
Spring Salad
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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[SMAPI] Stephan's Lots of Crops 2.0.0
More Crops!
Recent Updates
- SDV 1.3 Update Dec 20, 2018
- Bugfix Jun 27, 2017
- SDV 1.2 Update Jun 20, 2017