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Slowbro as pig and flaaffy as sheep 1.2.30

I already had slowpoke and Mareep from other mods so i made their evolutions!

  1. xlxAURORAxlx
    A while back I had downloaded some excellent mods changing a bunch of my animals to Pokemon! as cute as slowpoke and Mareep are they didn't evolve when growing up so I added Slowbro and Flaaffy to the club I hope you like them :)

    this is the inspiration for my mod on the Pig>> http://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/327/?
    By LittleNerdyOTAKU

    And this is the inspiration for my mod on the sheep >> http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/pokemon-retextures-list.111179/#post-2839953
    By ninjatulio

    go check these out for great Pokemon retextures !

    How to :
    • download the files
    • back up original stardew valley>content>animal file
    • move new pig and sheep files to stardew valley>content> animal file (yes you want to replace the other ones)
    • get to the stardoing :) Enjoy
      Pig.png Sheep.png ShearedSheep.png
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