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Outdated Sky's Ships 2.1

=Upbeat Giraffe Update=

  1. SkyRyu
    =Upbeat Giraffe Update=

    Greetings, after almost a full year of waiting finally a ship related update I can work with lol... unfortunately my time is a bit short at the moment so this time I'm only gonna release my version of the Human ship that is compatible with the new expansion mechanic. Ironically I feel the the T8 ships are way too big and decided to scale it back a bit. Here is a random low quality animated gif to give ya a general idea what they look like.

    Link to HQ animated .png if your browser supports it =)

    Do keep in mind I haven't actually done the quests to upgrade the ship (time, busy, etc.) But there shouldn't be any problems has its a straight up re-placer. That is any glitches or bugs likely present in the ship its replacing lol. Final thing of note is that I left the original t1-t3 ships cause I didn't wanna mess with the starting quests... tis ok tho, I keep generally the same art anyways =)

    v2.1 update: Removed the custom engine sound because it sounded very similar to booster's sfx. This allowed me to upload the mod here rather then using external link. Ship should be very quiet compared to vanilla. Also made a few graphical changes nothing major (I'm too much of a perfectionist for my own good lol). Please delete the v2.0 folder if your upgrading from it =)

    Install: Simply place the "Sky'sShipsV2.1" folder in this folder "...\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\giraffe_storage\mods". Start a new human character n ya should be good to go.

    0) Move the stuff on your ship off the ship were you know you can find again.
    1) Make a new human character (doesn't matter what it looks like)
    2) Go into ...\starbound\giraffe_storage\player
    3) Find your old character's .shipworld file (its all numbers n letters =\ but you can tell which one it is by the date on the file.)
    4) Move that file over somewhere safe like your desktop.
    5) Find your new character's .shipworld file.
    6) Simply rename it the same file name has the old file you just moved out.
    7) You can delete your new character now n load up your saved character.
    8) Now you should be in the modded version of the ship. If its not the right tier for w/e reason just type in /admin then /spawnitem shipT3 (replace 3 with w/e tier ya had) to spawn an item on your mouse pointer location that will instantly upgrade your ship when used.

    These are universal instructions for all ship replacers but keep in mind you might run into some minor bugs n whatnot on ship upgrades that I'm not aware of cause I don't use this method lol

    Finally I leave you with the original description of this mod for context reasons. GLHF~

    Intro: I made these expansions originally for myself in my spare time while I wait for the next patch to keep playing this game. I rather liked em n it took a bit of work on my part so I figure I may has well share em with you. Nothing too special has I tried to keep has much has the original art has possible to keep in theme.

    Info: The way I did this was to simply take apart the original background .png for each ship and expand upon them to make bigger ships adding in my own bits here and there. Basically added two more rooms and a small room leading to space up above for each one. Since these ships are bigger, I did upgrade the max fuel supply has well has removing that annoying background noise lol... Thanks to Starstructor, I was able to finish off the rest quite easily.

    Below are the background pics for each ship that should give you a general Idea what they all look like but keep in mind with walls, lighting, etc. it looks much better in-game.



    They all look fairly close to the original except the Human ship cause.... reasons =P
    Another thing to keep in mind is that the space I gave you when you walk out into space is quite limited (Don't expect to build a random tower on your ship lol). But other then that... everything is like the default ships (has in you can tear down walls n such).

    Install: Simply put the "Sky'sShips" folder in your "mods" folder. Make a new character and you can explore your new ship.

    If you want that horrible background sound back simply delete the "objects" folder within my mod's folder.

    You are also free to just use only the ones you want by deleting the race's folder you don't want within my mod. Useful if you'd like to use this with a similar mod.

Recent Reviews

  1. Jerboy33
    Version: 2.1
    Omg it's fantasty!
  2. Railgunner2160
    Version: 2.1
    This is an excellent ship. I love the Yamato feel it has, Currently my only gripe is that I have 2 fuel hatches once I hit T4 of this ship (The first tier that changed from stock human ship..)

    If the original fuel hatch could be removed after you hit T4 It'd be a improvement. Also the ability to place sensors near that airlock door so I could automatically open it with sensors.....
    1. SkyRyu
      Author's Response
      That's actually a random bug that happens =\ Not entirely sure what causes it for I have not had the time to play with my own frigging mod... T-T ...It did seem to be an external cause to me tho...

      You could change the value " "unbreakable" : true " to "false" in the "blockkey.config" file in the mod... that should allow you to remove anything you want on the ship quick n easy with yer text editor. I don't do that by default to avoid accidents. Course probably wont take effect till ya overwrite the ship save file.
  3. Altogolik
    Version: 2.0
    I really liked the design of the ship.
    But I have a problem, can in any way alter the ship without starting a new game?
    I'm sick of the initial quests take them to 10 once.
    Is there a way to make such a ship without starting a new game?
    1. SkyRyu
      Author's Response
      Aye, there is. You'd have to switch your .shipworld save file with one created with a new character with this mod enabled.
  4. paidousis
    Version: 1.2
    I just love the human ship design.
  5. That Bearded Dragon
    That Bearded Dragon
    Version: 1.2
    All of these vessles suit all custom races 11/10 brillinat human ship artwork!
  6. redlace
    Version: 1.2
    Works as advertised, nice looking ship, the outside space balcony was a nice touch! A good ship size, I used one compartment for storage, one for growing food and one for crafting stations.
  7. Gunteraz
    Version: 1.1
    Pretty neat ships for those who want bigger ships compared to the originals (Which is most people i assume) but not a overly huge one. To be fair- i've only tried the Glitch ship so far but i do have some tiny complaints/recommendations about it:
    1) The placement of Fuel hatch, pixel printer/tech station and ship locker is really awkward. a) Fuel hatch on the top floor in the middle of the ship makes little sense. b) I ( and i assume many others) like to keep our storage rooms/areas separate and since ship locker can't be moved and there's no room in that area to add any chests it becomes a problem. c) I don't really have a problem with the tech station being where it is per se, but only if the other 2 weren't there, or at least the ship locker.
    2) The current apex doors in glitch feel so out of place, i'd recommend making custom doors or at least re-colours of the current doors.
    Other than that it's a great mod and i like the ships!
    1. SkyRyu
      Author's Response
      I'll start by saying I cant very well please everyone nor did I even have that in mind when I created these has I've said in the description these were meant for me alone lol I just decided to share. Furthermore my permissions are completely open for a reason lol nothing stopping someone from editing it.. its quite simple and easy to do has I took care of all the tedium. That being said I shall reply to each point for lulz =P

      1. Awkward how? I like them to be out of the way so can properly decorate the walls of the ships how ever I want... The only exception I made was with the Human ship cause its different lol.

      1a. how does it make little sense to be on the top? Do you really spend all that fuel just hoping around worlds without refueling or running right past it? lol

      1b. The main ship storage is tied to the first quest so I didn't want to screw with it so I put it next to the other default ship equipment. You are not forced to use it lol... that's the point of having more space in your ship is it not?

      1c. nothing stopping you from downloading Starstructor and moving it to were ever you'd like =) Again... purely subjective material.

      2. I did consider making alternate colors for those.. but out of simplicity's sake I went the lazy route and used the one originally in the vanilla ships... My intent was to keep them close to vanilla has possible anyways lol... Personally tho I don't think they are THAT out of place... every ship seems to use the same tech with a different taste in decoration >.>
  8. Cazliostro
    Version: 1.1
    Nice - a good interim solution until bigger vanilla ships - thanks!
  9. StormDrake
    Version: 1.1
    Excellent all in one mod to make all your ships a little bigger without breaking original game immersion! :-)
  10. Isuzu Sento
    Isuzu Sento
    Version: 1.1
    Looks perfect for all races!