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Sky's Doors 1.1 for Starbound 1.1

Adds several themed doors to the game, complete with crafting recipes and scan descriptions!

  1. isblimidar+14
    Version: 1.1 for Starbound 1.1
    A lot of extra doors which is great but i still miss some. For instance the executive hatch (horizontal version of the executieve door)
  2. Crusism
    Version: 1.0 for Starbound 1.1
    More Doors. 5/5




    Yeah, more doors. I mean, there's not much really to say aside from how lovely the current new doors look. I like the valve/piston block door too - very thoughtful and should have been in the game from the beginning. That, and it's nice to finally have 1-block thick ship doors and hatches; they can be useful in re-creating certain epic space structures and saving space, and for creating a simple airlock if that's all you desire. The valve/piston block doors are really the highlight here though, so I'm looking forward to what more this mod will have to offer in the future, which is most likely more nice door-like stuff! 5/5




  3. apinanaivot
    Version: 1.0 for Starbound 1.1
    Very good looking textures.