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Skizot's Dozers 4.2.2

Vehicles of mass destruction :)

  1. madmab1990
    Version: Glad Giraffe
    i am using nightly ive tried using this on the stable version still havin the same issue...the big dozer doesnt move in any direction all i can do is hop in then out...is it an energy issue...do i need better armor or what?
  2. PufferPig
    Version: Glad Giraffe
    Ha. now I can just bulldoze villages.
  3. Alextheman1987
    Version: Glad Giraffe
    But, How do you get the machine? i am stumped =\
    1. LoPhatKao
      Author's Response
      You need to buy the vehicle controller from the dealer at the Outpost. He is outside to the right from Penguin Bay. I have updated main post with the info. Thanks for letting me know that it was unclear.
  4. adimetro11
    Version: Glad Giraffe (FINAL BETA)
    I can flatten land easily with this! Good work as always!
  5. Pezz
    Version: Pleased Giraffe
    Feels surprisingly meatier than older versions and extremely handy for preparing land for tree farming c:
  6. The Darkling Wolf
    The Darkling Wolf
    Version: Pleased Giraffe
    Fantastic mod for mass destruction once you get bored of plinking at things with a matter manipulator.
  7. kbob103
    Version: Pleased Giraffe
    how do you spawn the machine in
    1. LoPhatKao
      Author's Response
      buy the unlocker at any crafting table, 'eat' the unlocker, goto SAIL > head techs , select whichever dozer you unlocked, press "F" key to start desctructing :)
  8. spaztheninja
    Version: Pleased Giraffe
    Really enjoy this mod. It's an essential mod for making ground level to build ones base / HQ on. Thanks for updating and fixing them it's really appreciated.
  9. TCRN030
    Version: Pleased Giraffe
    Both dozers work great! You even fixed the glitches that made it hangup for 30 seconds when first bringing out the minidozer. Well done sir, well done!
  10. CyM
    Version: Pleased Giraffe
    Шикарно =)