What once started as a simple mod pack for tenants has since expanded into a small collection of mods that modify NPCs in general. This includes:
Main Mods:
These are the big mods that provide the vast majority of additional content. They include:
New Tenants:
- Formerly from the Tenant Pack, this mod has now been updated for the full release version of Starbound. As the name implies, this mod adds new tenants into the game, many of which use furniture tags that have never been used to spawn particular tenants before.
These tenants perform like your typical bog-standard villager tenants, only they have their own personalities to them:
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 alien
Cellular Trader:
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 cell
Crystalline Trader:
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 crystalline
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 heck (Unfortunately, all objects with this tag have been removed from vanilla Starbound since version 1.0, so you'll need to depend on mods for access to them, such as Frackin' Universe, or the Legacy Pack!)
Ice Villager:
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 ice
Rust Ghost:
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 rust
Desert Villager:
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 sandstone
Shadow Villager:
Requires: 1 door, 24 dark (no lighting needed!)
Slime Trader:
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 slime
Toxic Stoner:
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 toxic
Miniknog Officer:
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 apexmansion
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 ancient
Avian Stargazer:
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 aviantemple (formerly aviantomb)
Glitch Castle Servant (replaces Glitch Castle Lord):
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 glitchcastle
Glitch Castle Lord:
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 glitchcastle, 18 valuable (to separate them from the peasants)
Pirate Hoard Tenant:
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 hoard
Hylotl Otaku:
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 hylotloceancity
Outpost Penguin:
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 outpost
Villain Cosplayer:
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 doom
Executive Businessman:
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 executive
Geometric Polygonal Tenant:
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 geometric
Opulent Tenant:
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 opulent
Elegantly Serene Tenant:
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 serene
Laid-Back Wave Tenant:
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 wave
Outdoor Tenant:
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 outdoor (Frogg Furnishings should have you covered)
Naturist Tenant (Yes, they're nude)
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 nature
These tenants also perform like your typical bog-standard villager tenants, only they're more closely associated to particular professions:
Bug Collector:
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 bugs (Jars of bugs should do)
Christmas Tenant (Note: Not a vendor!):
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 christmas
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 farming (Includes not only crops, but also some farming-related equipment like farming tools and hay bales)
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 knowledge
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 mechanical
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 mining
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 musical
These tenants are the kind that protect others (or at least themselves) from wandering monsters and hostile npcs with the weapons that they always carry on hand:
Cave Cyclops:
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 stonecave
Wasteland Survivalist (not to be confused with the Deadbeats from Scorched biomes):
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 wreck
Avian Tombkeeper (replaces Stargazer):
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 aviantomb
Floran Prison Guard:
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 floranprison
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 18 explorer, 6 combat
Weapon Master (Has lots of critical opinions on weapons with various abilities):
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 combat
Here are a few additional merchants that you may attract to your new colonies, along with the wares that they have to offer:
Arms Dealer (Sells procedurally-generated weapons galore!):
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 16 combat, 8 commerce, 8 storage
Craftsman (Sells crafting materials, including metal bars):
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 24 crafting
Spelunking Merchant (Sells mineable ores, as well as supplies that any serious cave explorer would need):
Requires: 1 door, 1 light, 16 mining, 8 commerce
Warning: Some of the merchants sell materials that are normally un-sellable, like cobblestone and plant fibre, which will likely cause problems, unless you have a mod installed that gives these non-sellable items a price, like the Sellable Non-Sellables mod.
Warning: This mod might conflict with FettGopher's Tenant Pack, not because one mod overwrites the other's resources, but because both mods' tenants might compete over certain tags.
Better NPC Equipment:
- Outfits NPCs with a more threatening assortment of weaponry. Expect to encounter NPCs that are armed with guns and shields in any dungeon that normally contains them!
Non-Playable NPC Race Quests and Crew:
- Makes NPCs of non-playable races, like the Alpaca and Fenerox, more compatable with quest participation (including new dialogue for them), and allows them to become fully-functioning crewmembers.
Revamped Randomly-Generated NPC Quests:
- Slightly changes quests so that more npcs may give out more quests, including quests that are controversial but not criminal (such as ordinary villagers and guards borrowing items, offering bribes, and spreading bad rumors, but not intimidating others or stealing objects), and so that relationship changes are a bit more realistic (such as criminals fearing guards).
Improved NPC Behavior:
- A minor mod that makes AIs a bit more competent in terms of fighting. They now take far less time to aim, and no longer telegraph their attacks for long, if at all.
NPC Fixes:
- A minor mod that fixes some bugs found in some NPCs, helping to restore them to what I presume is their intended functionality. Also includes a few additions to some monsters, especially names and descriptions.
Main Mod Addons:
These are side mods that are designed to provide additional cross-mod features between the main mods provided by this mod pack (such as having the Non-Playable NPC Race Quests and Crew provide mod support for certain NPCs from the New Tenants mod for example).
Other Mod Addons:
These side mods provide cross-mod features and support to other mods that aren't included within the mod pack (such as the Expanded Weapon Generation mod, or the Legacy Pack).
Note: The main mods have a priority of -9998, meaning that they're likely to load before any others. This is so that they're not as likely to accidentally overwrite other mods from different authors, even if they don't have a defined priority setting (which will default to 0), though it also makes it more likely that their assets would themselves be overwritten.
Note: The addons, on the other hand, may have differing mod priorities, some of which are higher than the default 0. However, chances are that these addons will only affect the mods that they're designed to build off of, without touching other mods outside of them.
Disclaimer: This mod may be freely used in mod compilations, or its assets altered or redistributed, provided that those doing so notify me, and credit me.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Shadow Wolf TJC's NPC Pack 2/25/17
A mod pack full of various mods that focus primarily on adding or modifying various NPCs.
Recent Updates
- Some conversion of files into .patch files. Feb 25, 2017
- A few quick hotfixes. Feb 21, 2017
- Time for a new mod pack! Feb 19, 2017