This mod adds a blender (currently just using the outpost tank's sprite) that can mix properties of tree saplings and is crafted at the wiring station for 2000 pixel, a circuit board and laser diode and 20 steelbars.
The usage is quite simple:
Since it is a container at the base just interact with it to open it and throw some saplings in, better few variations in large quantity than the otherway or you'll end up with dozens on sapling variations.
Even 2 totally different saplings can already create 16 different combinations of stem, foliage and their hueshiftings.
Moving on: after you put your saplings into the blender wire the upper input to a switch and turn it on to start the mixing of the saplings.
Don't be afraid of it killing off a breed, it will not touch saplings which are the last of their kind in it's storage.
You can also throw unrefined wood in there which will be used to clone saplings at the cost of 500 wood per cloning.
This might sound much at first but if you plant 20 trees and cut these down you can rather easily get close to or past that amount of wood, though results vary depending on the trees used.
This value can be adjusted in the blender's .object file under "cloneCost".
It's not meant for heavy use but just for keeping breeds alive.
The cloning itself is very simply, have enough wood in the storage, put a sapling in and turn it on.
Be careful though that you have only one sapling type present when turning it on because it will still start mixing whatever is more than the last of it's kind.
Alternatively can you also throw the wood in while mixing, it will then automatically start cloning when it runs out of saplings to work with, namely those whose amount is more than 1.
The lower input is for spilling, if this turned on it will throw out mixing results at the bottom instead of keeping them in it's storage and also work with these.
This can be used if you want to be very selective about the mixing as you can control what goes back into it and being used for further mixing.
It is advised to stay near it to collect the dropped results when using this.
Results when used can vary from pretty (these were originally green roses but were mixed with a sapling kind that had a big hueshift for the foliage)
To very weird (attempts at mixing rainbow wood palmtrees with the original rosetree of above to get reproducing rainbow wood trees, sadly no successes)
Foliage is in certain cases pretty much only meant for a certain kind of stem, the rainbow wood palmtree experiment just above is a good example.
This isn't the blender's fault but is based on how Starbound handles trees, not sure if there can be done anything about it.
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Outdated Sapling Blender UG U2 P666 - 1
Toss your saplings in this blender and you can get whatever variation is possible