I was j chillin and I was like: what if you could play as SAIL? That'd be pretty lit. So I made some textures n stuff. Right now it's basically a reskinned human, the skin and hair colors are the vanilla SAIL's (Light Blue, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red, Pink).
They also can craft some of the novakid guns, like the iron assault rifle.
I'd recommend not using the same color for hair and skin, it looks kinda bad.
This is very WIP, so please comment any bugs, and leave a review
To do:
Holographic Armor
Holographic Weapons
More colors (Black, Purple, etc.)
Holographic Ship
Holographic Pet
New materials (Holographic Silk?)
Holographic Hoverbike & Boat
Different Hurt Sounds (Right now they're from the Magnorbs)
Custom Effects (Fall damage resistance)
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SAIL Race Mod 0.13
Ever wanted to play as you ship's AI? Now you can!
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