I really love this mod collection, any problems with it are from the pieces, not the whole. Superb job.
However the creator of the mod that makes the new furnaces should REALLY fix a lot of things. There's a lot of secondary items you cannot make now (like Uranium rods).
Unless I'm missing something simple...
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S3r1ous Mods 125
Compatible with the latest version. Easy to use. Stable. Periodic Updates.
- 4/5,
- 5/5,
Silly question but how do i get these mods to work? i downloaded the Rar. file then the folder on my mods folder.. the file names end in ".modpak"
Author's Response
copy all .modpak files into mods folder
- 5/5,
Very ingenious mod pack.
The gameplay is extremely raised and exploring new planets and galaxies is a lot of fun.
The performence is incredible for so many mods.
The mod pack is very well balanced and seems as if it a part of the game.
The recent successes and small missions bring a variety in the game.
New raw materials, weapons, armor, monsters, technology and much more.
A must for every user and server.
Good job to the developers and of course ThaOneDon
10 * stars -
- 5/5,
Awesome mod, addons like the BEES, CUSTOM SHIP, and FRACKIN FLORA really add a ton of new depth to the game. Thanks!
- 5/5,
This is my very first modpack for Starbound and I'm incredibly excited! I'm new to the game and was already starting to get a little burned out on the lack of unique gameplay, and your pack adds so much to the game, 5 stars! On a side note, do you happen to know which mod disables the mining of background tiles? I can no longer pickaxe background blocks except with the matter thingy you start with.
Author's Response
Just tested on 46.4, works for fine for me?, are you running a server or singleplayer and remember this mod pack is meant for STABLE version of Starbound not UNSTABLE
- 1/5,
Doesnt work. Starbound enraged koala would not start with pack version 42. deleting universe folder doesn't hlp
Error loading moster type - mosnters/ground/quadruped/quadrupednight,monstertype-
Author's Response
are you kidding me, WHY IN GODS NAME ARE YOU USING version 42? Its oudated
- 5/5,
Really great, This saves so much time in searching for the essential mods and makes the game have a whole new experience
- 5/5,
Amazing! It's like something from FTB or ATLauncher, if comparing. Quality stuff, frequent updates, all possible conflicts resolved. Makes the dumb boring alpha tier vanilla an interesting and fun place to explore and build on.
Author's Response
well you just download and replace previous files??
- 5/5,
Great pack of mods works great, but recently im having problem, im not sure what messed it up, but the professionbound mod is giving me an error ( tracked it down, by taking out the mods installed one by one) any advice?
Author's Response
send me a pm ill take a look at it
- 5/5,
Excellent, as Mr. Burns would say.
A superb pack with only minor issues that have nothing to do with the pack itself. It really does what it says. It's what enhances the game but not overpowers it.
Amazing work and amazing dedication! -
- 5/5,
dg dgtfghugkf7hubynfuxdsdr amazing but , the character and other sprites except the grass are blinking
Author's Response
well at first yes, but after some time it disappears once the game has finished loading :)
- 5/5,
Epic mod combination, all from one place. Thank you for you hard work sirs! Was playing on multi-player and you made me go back to stable to play but it was absolutely worth it in every facet
- 5/5,
This mod pack contains so many amazing mods, all of the mods are compatible, and run nicely alongside each other, this mod pack deserves nothing less then 5-stars.
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