Rocket Boost 1.3
Bubbles and butterflies are fine and dandy. But there comes a day when you want something more, something fast, something life threatening dangerous! And to quench your thirst for danger, my friend, I offer you the Rocket Boost!
Danger has never been this fun! With your very own Rocket Boost you'll soar through the clear skies leaving a trail of fiery hell in your wake.
First model
Rocket Boost Mk2
They now produce light!
Since version 1.3, the rockets now have two speeds, top speed and maneuver speed. You can toggle between them by pressing the F key.
The top speed consumes a fair amount of energy, while the maneuver speed consumes exactly half as much.
The only rocket that, so far, doesn't feature this is the Mk1, but I can add it if anyone requests it.
How to install and use
Just extract the folder "Rocket Boost" and place it in the mods directory "Starbound/mods", simple as that.
The mod is compatible with tabula rasa.
The recipe should be available in the robotic crafting table. It costs only 1 pixel in this first version, for testing purposes, but in a later update I'll put proper materials and tier.
If it doesn't show up for you, please tell.
Plans for the future.
Phase One
Phase two
- Different recipes for survivalists and testers.
- Rockets backpacks that show up on your back when you use the tech.
- Tiered rocket boosters, more dangerous each tier!
- Tiered animations displaying the power of each rocket boost!
- Directional animation so that the origin flame points to every direction properly.
- Completely new items to craft your rockets!
- Different sounds for each tier of rocket power. So you can hear the danger.
- More danger.
- Rocket based items!
- Rocket powered weapons
- Rocket powered armor
- Rocket powered tools
- Rocket powered furniture
- Rocket powered food
- More danger.
Incinerating Bugs.
This is my first complex mod, and god knows how much it beat me to a pulp until I finally got it working. If you experience any bug or crash or anything really, please report back, preferably with a pastebin link to your starbound.log file, so that I can examine the problem and try to fix it. It will help me a lot. Thank you.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Outdated Rocket Science 1.3
Rocket Boosters! Because strapping a rocket to your back is FUN!
Recent Updates
- Speed control, proper costs and tester versions Jan 5, 2014
- New Rocket Boost Mk2! Jan 3, 2014