Do you want some fancy Risk of Rain mechanics in Starbound? Well, here you go. Today: The Commando.
You don't know Risk of Rain? It's another awesome game published by Chucklefish (with awesome music by the way). Get it here:
I decided to make a bigger mechanics mod, and why not emulating Risk of Rain mechanics? The Commando is my favourite character at the moment and the one I have the most success with. In addition, his abilities are kind of easy to implement with the current mod api. So I decided to implement his mechanics as a tech in starbound. Here is one screenshot:
You can see the cooldown indicators over the head of the Avian. I will upload more screenshots when I have more animations in, at the moment you can't see much on screenshots (just try it yourself)
He has the known four abilities of the commando:
Double Tap:
His basic attack, shooting two projectiles everytime you use it. Activated by left click.
Full Metal Jacket:
Knocks back all enemies in a line and damages them. Has a range of 50 blocks (horizontal shot only). Activated by pressing F. Left cooldown indicator.
Tactical Dive:
Roll yourself a certain distance while being invincible. Activated by pressing the Walk button (Shift). Middle cooldown indicator.
Suppressive Fire:
Shoot a lot of bullets in a short amount of time. Activated by right click. Right cooldown indicator.
You can aim the abilities to a certain degree. I implemented it this way, because the landscape is way more hilly as in the original game, the enemies are jumping and the hitboxes are small. This way it feels way more comfortable.
Known problems:
- The invincibility is achieved by abusing the crouch hitbox, which can be defined different than the default one. I just made it so small that most of the enemies don't hurt you while rolling. However, this can not be guaranteed. You can also glitch through doors while rolling. I know no other way to make the player invincible with the current mod api.
- The projectiles are not hitting instantly, like in Risk of Rain, because I found no way to to that (which doesn't mean that there is none). But I made them quite fast. At the moment they are doing no knockback (have to figure this out tomorrow or so)
- Lack of animations: These will be integrated when I have time to do it and when I found out how to let the character roll (at the moment he just glides over the ground)
I want to integrate the original sounds from Risk of Rain, but of course, I have to ask for permission first (it's the same publisher, but another game). Till then, I used Starbound sounds (which are OK).
So, how to install:
This mod is not compatible at the moment with other mods which use edited monster script files (for example my telekinesis mod). If you install both, only one will work properly.
0. Disable the tech on all your characters, if you had older versions installed.
1. Download the file and extract it to your ./mods folder.
2a. If you have the Tabula Rasa installed, you are done. You can craft the tech for one pixel at the Tabula Rasa (it should work, couldn't test it because the download does not work for me at them moment)
2b. If not, or if it doesn't work, you can integrate it manually in your player.config:
Just add
afterCode:{ "item" : "lonesurvivor_rorCommandoTech" },
in your player.config. The rech should then be available for all your characters.Code:"tier1" : [
That's it! If you like it, please give me a review. If you have suggestions or bugs, you can also write me (or put it in the discussion).
Have fun![]()
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Outdated Risk of Rain:Commando Tech 17-12-2013
Use the commandos abilities in starbound
Recent Updates
- Made it learnable Dec 17, 2013
- Little improvements Dec 16, 2013