Welcome to Rex' metals!
(Highly Work In Progress, I stopped working on this mod, some things may be taken to Rex' industries!)
This mod adds metals and many alloys to your Starbound. You will find zinc, tin, mithril and lead in unvisited worlds. Mine it and you get its ore. Smelt it for the bars. When you have an alloy furnace, you can make alloys with them. The come with three new crafting stations. Use them to craft new weapons! For now, there are only 4 tiers, but I will add the last two soon. If you have any suggestions, I will look for them!
Current ores:
Zinc, mithril, tin, lead,...
Current alloys:
Brass, brasssteel, leadsteel, uransteel, blacksteel, umbrasteel, mithrilsteel, bronze, whitegold,...
Current weapons:
Only shortswords from every metal, more soon
-More different weapons out of metal/alloys
-More ores/metals
-Armors made out of metal
-More uses with the Charging Station
I hope you like it and please tell me if you are happy with this mod. Bug reports or other please in the disscusion-thread.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Rex' metals 1.1
Adds much more metals and alloys to Starbound
Recent Updates
- Block update Sep 16, 2015