Reed Farming
This mod allows you to do what else? Grow your own reeds. Now, when you destroy a reed plant in the world, there is a chance that it will drop Reed Sprouts. These grow like any other plant, and can be harvested once fully grown for the same amount of reeds that reed plants in Oasis will drop. They also have a chance of dropping more Reed Sprouts!
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- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
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- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
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Reed Farming 1.2
Grow your own reeds!
Recent Updates
- 1.2 Waterproof Reeds Oct 23, 2016
- 1.1 Update for SB 1.1.1 Oct 3, 2016
- Hotfix Jan 7, 2016