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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Outdated Real Ninja Stuff 1.7
Not sure if real stuff, ninjas use, or just stuff, real ninjas use.
- 4/5,
I don't mean to be a jerk but it has been said ninjas did not wear black due to it showing in the light of the moon and wore very dark blue instead so the blue skies would camoflauge them at nights and please could you add the special wooden shoes/sandals they used to walk on water(float on water)
- 4/5,
Nice addition. Could you add more to it? maybe higher weapon tiers? It became obsolete after progressing further
- 4/5,
I love this mod, with the exception of one thing... the hook is a perfectly generic object...
Author's Response
The latest update (04/26) broke the grappling hook.
It got bettah.
- 5/5,
I am planning to use this mod I a modpack I'd like to call "UniverseBound". May I use your mod? You have an excellent mod though.
Author's Response
- 5/5,
can you make a weapon version of the grappling hook? like one that only would connect with enemies allowing you to pull them around/ winch them up to you, is it even possible?
Author's Response
Thanks for the rating. I don't think I'm smart enough to make that happen but it would certainly be fun.
- 5/5,
I just was thinking... hey, wouldn't it be cool to have a ninja mod? Then BAM, in front of me appears this. Awesome mod.
Author's Response
Thanks. Game updated?
- 4/5,
Ninja SAMURAI SWORD?!?! you mean KATANA?!?! also, there is a sword called a "shinobigatana" which translates to "Ninja Katana" that was wht ninja used. just saying katana rather than shinobigatana is fine by me as they are very similar, but but samurai sword? samurai were warriors, ninja were thieves and assassins! im sorry, really, but that is the 1 reason you dont get 5-stars. Also, it would be nice if the katana was 1-handed so you could use kunai or shurikens with it. still, amazing mod. glad you made it. sorry if i sounded harsh.
Author's Response
Honorable review, HonorableAssassins, and good suggestions. I am a fan of ninjas, not an expert. :)
- 5/5,
not sure if amazing mod i love, or just an amazing love for a lovable mod (lol i dont know where i went with that)
- 5/5,
Do you think you could make tiered ninja gear so one could progress and have relevant gear to work with?
Author's Response
I love the idea. I will consider it. Initially, my primary objective was just to get vanity items in place, so you could look like a ninja on top of whatever armor you have. That may still be the best approach as far as outfit goes, but it makes sense to add tiered weapons, either way.
- 5/5,
All this game needed was ninjas. It's now finished. Call Tiy and everyone else and tell them to stop working.
Author's Response
Thanks! I'll try to balance more once next patch is released. Currently the throwables are just the existing in-game items that fit perfectly into this mod pack.