I always was disappointed that all the cool Starcleavers and legendary assault rifles and whatnot you find while exploring are almost completely useless because the regular craftable weapons outdamage them so severely. Hence this mod rebalances all the random weapons so they are on par, if not better than the craftables.
For melee weapons, all non-crappy common weapons (Avian swords, nightsticks, ...) have been buffed. While on average they are still below craftables, it is not nearly as big a margin anymore. Uncommon (green) weapons are now about on par with craftables and their unique effects give them an additional edge while rare and legendary weapons have increased damage.
For ranged weapons, the common weapons were left untouched as they are already close to the Accelerator guns, while uncommon guns are on par and rare and legendary superior.
It should be said that this will only affect freshly generated weapons, previously generated ones will retain their pre-mod values.
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Outdated Random Weapon Rebalance 1.0
Buffs random weapons to make them actually useful